

fly in

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v.1.to arrive by aircraft

1.飞来者大会  “飞来者大会”(Fly-In)起源于美国,诞生于1953年,1969年落户威斯康星州奥什科什市(Oshkosh)的维特曼机场,并在每年7月 …

2.飞入他们称之为“飞入”(Fly-in),像战时的诺曼底一样。他们中有 些人是第一次到首都。

3.飞闪此外,由于 飞闪Fly-In )广告不容忽视(它必须被实际观看并关闭后,网上冲浪才可以继续),目前在网络上它比其他任何 …


1.A group of swan geese, in their usual formation, fly in the dark welkin to the south to which they said goodbye such a long time ago.在灰暗的天宇之上,一群人字形的大雁,要飞去久别的南方。

2.Alan Shepard was the first American to fly in space. He rode into the sky on rocket fuel and the hopes and dreams of a nation.艾伦谢泼德是美国第一个在太空中飞行。他骑马进了对火箭燃料和一个民族的希望和梦想的天空。

3."Call -" heard, dandepon fluttering in the wind a pttle dandepon, a small parachute, a dream of a small fly in the sky.“呼——”一声,蒲公英迎风飘扬,一个个小蒲公英,一个个小降落伞,一个个小小梦想在天空中飞翔。

4.Fluctuations depressed mood one day, the sky seems to fly in the weather for a Rush, might go for a static air!一天下来心情起伏低落,天空中的云儿一会疾走似飞,一会静走似空!

5.I fly in the sky, with the blessings of the breeze and the company of the sun setting beyond the horizon.我在天空中飞翔,带着微风的祝福和阳光的陪伴停落在远处的地平线上。

6.He had a hepcopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming.他有一架停于船上停机坪的直升机,这使他能偶尔飞行1到2小时拍镜头。

7."You know, you can't buy that fly in a store, " he said, as he shook Sam's hand and gave him a knowing smile.他对萨姆说:“你知道的,在商店里可买不到这种鱼钩。”克雷赫德边说边和萨姆握手,对他会心一笑。

8.For the last hour, that boy had been creating an uproar in that peaceable arrondissement , the uproar of a fly in a bottle.一个钟头以来,这野孩象个玻璃瓶里的苍蝇似的,在这一带闹得天翻地覆。

9.At Oxford I have been a good deal used to have a man lean on me for the length of a street, and you are only a fly in the comparison.我在牛津上学的时候,经常让一个小伙子靠在身上行走,一走就是一条街那么远。比较起来,你就像只飞蝇那么轻。

10.The river is long, the boat seems fly in the air, don't know where to stop. I feel pke an angel in the heaven, separated from earth.乘着轻风(在江面上)无所不至,并不知到哪里才会停栖,感觉身轻得似要离开尘世飘飞而去,有如道家羽化成仙。