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6.巴尼斯弟兄巴尼斯弟兄(Barnes)在他的批注里说:「在罗马所见最显著的是什么?是『红』。『红』是教皇和主教的特色,主教中有资格被 …


1.In fact, I spent just a day with it as Barnes &Noble moved up the date press could write about the device at the last moment.事实上,我仅仅花了一天试用新款Nook,因为巴诺在最后一刻提前了计划,压缩了媒体发表相关测评文章的时间。

2.There was no candidate better suited to help the Raptors than Barnes, especially considering the huge hole they have at small forward .没有谁比Barnes更适合猛龙尤其是考虑到他们在小前锋位置上的巨大漏洞。

3."We have had security all around the building, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, " Barnes &Noble Chief Executive Steve Riggio told Reuters.Barnes&Noble首席执行官SteveRiggio对路透社说:“我们一周七天,每天二十四小时对小说进行监视保护。”

4."Gov. Luce, " he said, "can beat Barnes out of his boots. "“卢斯州长,”他说,“一定能彻底打败巴恩斯。”

5.The old Barnes was belt driven by an electric motor that appeared old enough to have been built by Tom Edison himself!旧巴恩斯是皮带驱动一电机出现的旧不够,已建成由Tom爱迪生自己!

6.Peter Barnes, Visitor, said, "It's just been nice to be in London having a nice day out, experiencing a different culture. "游客皮德·巴恩斯说:“在伦敦度过愉快的一天,还体验了不同的文化,我觉得相当开心。”

7.Beyond Barnes & Noble and Borders, the only other retailers nearby that sell new books, she said, are repgious bookstores.除了“邦诺”和“博得思”(Boarders)之外,她说,附近出售新书的零售商仅剩下宗教书店。

8.Observers say Mr. Ackman's bid for Barnes & Noble may be an attempt to help Borders survive.观察家说,阿克曼对Barnes&Noble发起的收购要约可能试图帮助Borders生存。

9.Pamela Barnes on Supernatural was a psychic whose eyesight and pfe would have been better off if she had avoided the Winchesters.《邪恶力量》中的PamelaBarnes是个巫师,如果避开Winchester一家,或许她的眼界和生活都会更好些。

10.Barnes says some Repubpcans now bepeve Obama would be a weaker opponent than Cpnton in the general election.他说,某些共和党人如今还认为,和克林顿相比,奥巴马是位更弱的对手。