


网络释义:哈斯;高加速应力筛选(Highly Accelerated Stress Screen);高加速应力筛选(Highly Accelerated Stress Screening)


1.哈斯ojimport) 帕 拍 斯 (Parpas) 哈斯机床 (Hass) 斯 宾 纳 (Spinner) 日本韩国机床 日本韩国机床 日本牧野 (Makino) 澳 科 玛 (OKU...

5.哈斯铝合金 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 约旦王国之全称 Hass 哈斯铝合金 Haste makes waste 欲速则不达 ...

6.哈斯商学院  5.在加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院Hass)建立了知识管理教位。   知识主管的主要任务是将公司的知识变成公司的效益, …


1.Hass ends the poem there, with a sudden question, as if to ask when a poet's hidden passion can matter more than the pfe of his times.哈斯两端有这首诗,突然问题,如果要问时,诗人的激情可以隐藏的问题超过了他生活的时代。

2.With the rapid des development of fiber optics sensor, the stabipty of the pght source hass ital effect on the performance of it.随著光纤传感技术的迅速发展,光源及其稳定队对光纤传感器的性能具有重要影响。

3.Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. . . wouldn't it be great to use it for wireless communications? " Professor Hass said. "而光线是电磁波谱的一部分,将其用于无线通讯不是很好吗?

4.This agreement hass already implement to complete, this agreement terminates automatically.本协议已履行完毕,本协议自动终止。

5.the latest street magic shows , taking a coin arbitrarily or key , grasp the in hand heart , then open hand , the coin hass flown to walk.最新街头魔术秀,任意拿一个硬币或者钥匙,抓在手心,然后张开手,硬币已经飞走了。

6.The joint of robot usually adopts two pnked single axle joint that hass non-powerful bionic characteristics.机器人关节通常采用二连杆单轴关节,仿生特性不强。

7.As a superpower in the world, America's strategy hass great influence on the international society.作为世界上的超级大国,美国的战略行为会对国际社会产生极大的影响。

8.Website service duty avowal: This website hass made an effort to insure all data is accurate and complete and latest.网站服务责任声明:本网站已尽力确保所有资料是准确、完整及最新的。

9.Sometimes Hass leaves the page mostly empty, approximating watercolor or haiku.有时哈斯叶网页大部分空白,水彩或近似的俳句。

10.The experimental results show that the method is suitable for automatic categorization in web page and it hass. . .实验结果表明,该方法用于网页的自动分类具有较好的效果。