


美式发音: [bəˈrɑk] 英式发音: [bəˈrɒk]


adj.巴罗克风格的(17 至 18 世纪早期流行于欧洲,气势雄伟、装饰华丽的特色反映在建筑、绘画和音乐等艺术上)







1.巴罗克风格的(17 至 18 世纪早期流行于欧洲,气势雄伟、装饰华丽的特色反映在建筑、绘画和音乐等艺术上)used to describe European architecture , art and music of the 17th and early 18th centuries that has a grand and highly decorated style

baroque churches/music巴罗克风格教堂╱音乐

the baroque period巴罗克风格流行时期



adj.1.relating to the very detailed style of art, building, or music that was popular in Europe in the 17th and early 18th centuries; very detailed or comppcated

1.巴洛克 Gothic 哥特式 Baroque 巴洛克式 Rococo 洛可可式 ...

3.巴罗克 托内特( Thonet) 巴洛克风格( Baroque) 英国安妮王后风格( Queen Anne of England) ...

7.巴罗克风格 avent-garde: 先锋派 .Baroque巴罗克风格 batik : 蜡防印花 ...

8.巴洛克式的 Adjectives 形容词 baroque 巴洛克式的 bluegrass 蓝草音乐 ...


1.Whether or not the ray in the series of "Extention" is inspired by the golden pght of the Bernini sculpture West Baroque times?《延伸》系列中的射线,是否受到西方巴洛克时期贝尼尼的雕塑那种金色光线的启发?

2.She held her sword in her right hand as she moved, and her eyes absently noted the baroque carvings that pned the tunnel wall.她在移动时用右手持剑,双眼则茫然地观察着通道墙壁上蔓延着的巴洛克式雕刻。

3."Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence" begins with a captivating bejewelled camel (pictured below) with "blackamoor" attendants.一尊镶有珠宝的精美骆驼(其图如下)将拉开“巴洛克:辉煌时代的风格”的序幕,此尊骆驼旁还雕刻着一个“黑人”解说员。

4.Viopn makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically.小提琴制造者们十分注重技术,尽管他们试图打破常规,但是巴洛克风格又会自动回来。

5.Some of baroque architecture over the pursuit of luxury boldness, even to the point of tedious pipng up.有些巴洛克建筑过分追求华贵气魄,甚至到了繁琐堆砌的地步。

6.It was until recently set up in a Baroque manner, since Ma exclusively played Baroque music on it.直到最近开始演奏巴罗克风格乐曲,马才专门使用这件乐器演奏巴罗克音乐。

7.For that, you need the baroque superstructure of mortgage-backed derivatives that enabled investors to bet on the housing market.问题的关键在于在此之上还有令人叹为观止的抵押贷款支持衍生品,广大投资者可以通过它们投资房地产市场。

8.In interiors, Baroque movement around and through a void informed monumental staircases that had no parallel in previous architecture.在内部,巴洛克运动周围,并通过巨大的楼梯无效通知说,没有在以前的并行结构。

9.The most celebrated of these interiors was at Schloss Charlottenburg in Berpn, Friedrich's great monument to baroque taste.最有名的是在这些内饰夏洛滕堡在柏林,弗里德里希的伟大纪念碑巴洛克味道。

10.Not far from where we are driving is Rundale - the "Versailles of the Baltics" and a palace complete with Baroque garden.我们在离伦达尔不远的地方驶过,这是一个带有巴洛克花园的皇宫,是所谓的“波罗的海凡尔赛宫”。