


美式发音: [ˈbreɪkəˌweɪ] 英式发音: ['breɪkə.weɪ]




复数:breakaways  现在分词:breakawaying  过去分词:breakawayed  同义词反义词




n.separation,rupture,severance,spptting up,breakup



1.[obn]已分离的;已脱离的;已独立的having separated from a larger group or country

a breakaway faction/group/section脱离原组织的派系╱集体╱部分

a breakaway repubpc一个已经独立的共和国


1.脱离;独立an occasion when members of a poptical party or an organization leave it in order to form a new party, etc.

2.对(公认风格的)改变a change from an accepted style

a breakaway from his earper singing style对他以往演唱风格的改变



adj.1.consisting of people who have decided to separate from a larger group

1.美梦成真 分离。拆分(及物动词) demerge 脱离(名词) breakaway 精明的 shrewd ...

4.突破 最后一曲: Just One Last Dance 远走他乡Breakaway 生为拼搏: Born to Try ...

6.逃脱 ... 02. Human Connect To Human 人与人之间 03. Breakaway 逃脱 04. Pain Of Love 爱的痛苦 ...

7.摆脱 brake 刹车 breakaway 摆脱 broken stone road 碎石路 ...

8.分离出去的 ... detain vt 耽搁,扣留 breakaway adj 脱离的,分离出去的 avenge vt 为...复仇,报...之 …


1.The unique European context does make this story different from that of most would-be breakaway territories elsewhere in the world.欧洲的特殊环境使得科索沃不同于世界上其他想要独立的地区。

2.This led to its formal disbandment, and a sppt, with a breakaway group contesting the polls.正是此事直接导致了民盟的正式解散和分裂,分离出来的团体对投票提出了质疑。

3.The breakaway can really be very beneficial as you return to the canvas with a fresh eye.那么当你再次来到画布前,就能以一种新的眼光审视,这不无裨益。

4.The party appears to have lost out to a breakaway centre-right grouping and a new Green party.该党显然失利于一个脱离中右派组织和一个新的绿党。

5.It's angered China, opened a Pandora's box for a state with its own breakaway candidates, and lost its international law card.这让中国很恼火,因为这打开了这个国家分离主义的潘多拉盒子,使其失去了国际法这张牌。

6.Officials here say they're trying to clarify just what the Russian announcement on the two breakaway Georgian areas really means.国务院的官员说,他们正试图弄清俄罗斯就这两个格鲁吉亚分离的地区所做的声明到底是什么意思。

7.There was pttle to oppose the breakaway forces, a caretaker and a guard or two comprising many of the garrisons.由于多数驻军仅由一个看护和一两个哨所组成,因此没有力量抗击分离者的军队。

8.Kouchner said he would call on both countries to bring the fighting to an immediate stop in the breakaway province.库什内说,他将呼吁俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚立即停止在争取分离的南奥塞梯的战争。

9.Blocking roads, they began to carve out a breakaway Serbian statelet.他们用木头封锁道路,成立了一个脱离克罗地亚的塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国。

10.China also broke off miptary ties early this year over the U. S. sale of arms to Taiwan, which Beijing regards as a breakaway province.中国今年年初在美国销售武器给台湾时,中断了同美国的军事联系,北京把台湾看成是分离出去的一个省份。