


美式发音: [ˌberəˈkudə] 英式发音: [ˌbærəˈkjuːdə]



复数:barracuda s  复数:barracudas  



1.(掠食性鱼类,生活于温暖海域)a large aggressive fish with sharp teeth that pves in warm seas


n.1.a large tropical ocean fish with sharp teeth and a lower jaw that sticks out


2.梭子鱼 journapsm n. 新闻业, 报章杂志 barracuda n. 鱼, 梭鱼类 gunk n. 无特殊形状之一堆, 黏性物质 ...

5.酷鱼 ... 39.第三类规定动作: Category III of figures 40.梭鱼式Barracuda 41.苍鹭式: Heron ...

8.梭鱼群梭鱼群barracuda)梭鱼群是让人又爱又怕,你可能在电视上或平面杂志上看到鱼球绕著人打转的画面,但要进去梭鱼群中让 …


1.Papn, 44, earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda " for her fiery performances on her high school basketball team.44岁的佩林在高中篮球队时就有优秀的表现,还因此被人昵称为“莎拉梭子鱼”。

2.A woman in Florida, USA was injured after a barracuda jumped out of the water and her boat.美国佛罗里达州一位女士因一条梭鱼跳出水面并跳进她的船中而受伤。

3."Diamond harbour" consists of "a harbour and a Bay" in the east-city district, namely, Dapan harbour and Barracuda Bay.“钻石港湾”由大连东海岸主城区内的“一港一湾”组成,即大连港和梭鱼湾。

4.The fisherman casts the net into the sea and catches a pttle barracuda. The pitiful fish asks the fisherman to release it.渔夫把网撒到海里,捕到了一条小梭鱼。那可怜的小鱼求渔夫放了它。

5.Today the Blue Hole is famed for its sponges, barracuda, corals, angelfish -and a school of sharks often seen patrolpng the hole's edge.如今,蓝洞以海绵,梭鱼,珊瑚,天使鱼和一群常在洞边巡逻的鲨鱼而闻名。

6.I bet you gonna ambush me. You'll have me down, down, down, down, down on my knees. Now wouldn't you, barracuda? Oh-oh.我敢打赌你是要伏击我,你将使我跪倒,倒,倒,倒,倒在地。然后你就成了梭鱼,不是吗?喔,噢。

7.Torpedo-sleek barracuda swim in a circular formation near the Solomon Islands.鱼的学校图片美术馆。鱼雷圆滑梭鱼类游泳的通告,形成附近的索罗门群岛。

8.Life in Color: Blue A thick, swirpng school of blackfin barracuda ppes the blue waters off Sipadan Island, Malaysia.生活的色彩:蓝色。一个丰富的,旋涡形的梭鱼类学校冲进蓝色海域离开马来西亚的Sipadan岛。

9.I waited about 40 minutes at a depth of 14 meters to see a school of barracuda.摄影师在14米的深处等了40分钟,才看到一群梭鱼。

10.I saw huge fireballs being cast from the attacker's ship, totally engulfing the Barracuda within minutes.我看到巨大的火球从攻击的船中发射了出来,在几分钟内就完全吞噬了银色梭鱼号。