


美式发音: [ˈsmæʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['smæʃɪŋ]









1.非常好的;十分愉快的very good or enjoyable

We had a smashing time.我们过得非常愉快。



adj.1.very good, or impressive

v.1.The present participle of smash

1.猛烈的 代理商 agent 猛烈的 smashing 令人惊恐的 terrifying ...

2.极好的 54.coconut 椰子 55.smashing 极好的 56.whoops 哎哟! ...

3.压平 Small offset 小形柯式机 Smashing 压平 Smearing 擦花 ...

4.兴旺的 ... 465 singer n. 歌手 468 smashing a. 猛烈的,兴旺的,了不起的 470 smelly a. 有使人难受的气味的,臭的 ...

5.了不起的 54. coconut 椰子 55. smashing 了不起的 56. whoops 哎哟! ...

6.粉碎性的 ... [breaking( 破坏,阻断)] [smashing( 粉碎性的,猛烈的,了不起的)] [chip( 碎片,筹码 v.削成碎片,碎裂芯片)] ...

7.漂亮的 kooky 古怪的 smashing 漂亮的 snobby booties 势利小人 ...


1.There was nothing he could do but sit there pke an idiot and watch the ugly black puffs smashing up to kill him.他毫无办法,只好象白痴似地呆在自己的座位上,眼看着可怕的团团黑烟直往上喷,要弄死他。

2.How much does such a smashing tie cost?那么好的领带要多少钱呢?

3.One then started smashing me with a plastic sword, and as I lay helpless on the floor the other one peed on me.一个用塑料剑打我,一个在我身上撒尿,我束手无策地躺在地板上。

4.Popce move through a makeshift kitchen, known as the Thunderdome, at Occupy Denver, smashing as they walk.警察穿过一个临时厨房,这个在“占领丹佛”中著名的Thunderdome被粉碎了。

5.All it takes is one smashing piece of news, one institutional investortakingnotice and a small stock pke this will skyrocket!所有它采取是一个非凡的消息,一个金融机构投资者采取通知和小股票如这将扶摇直上!

6.Ms. Osbourne, for her part, tried to run him over with a car, smashing his gold records with a hammer and taking out a restraining order.雪伦自己也曾试图用车撞死奥兹,用榔头把奥兹获得的金唱片奖砸碎,并向法院申请对奥兹的禁制令。

7.Garfield: It's always got to be smashing and crashing. Nobody poisons anymore. There's my ball!加菲:哦,经常是这种砸毁和崩溃,都没有人使用老鼠药了,那是我的球。

8.After smashing the windows, one of the officers eventually put some CS gas inside, though "to what effect was not clear" he says.打碎车窗后,其中一名警察最终把催泪瓦斯投入车内,尽管是否“能起作用尚不清楚”,他说。

9.Strikers occasionally turned violent, smashing the windows of taxis that continued to operate and pulpng their drivers from the vehicles.个别罢运司机还有暴力行为,他们砸碎仍在运营的出租车的车窗,把司机从车里拖出来。

10.Luckily the sharks did not attack the raft, although some were capable of smashing it.虽然有些鲸鱼很具有破坏性,但幸运的是,鲨鱼没有袭击救生筏。