




1.欧盟主席巴罗佐  随后欧盟主席巴罗佐Barroso):欧盟将帮助葡萄牙寻找最适宜的解决困境的方法;国际货币基金组织IMF:没有收到来自葡 …

2.委员会主席巴罗佐汇通网1月7日讯——欧盟(EU)委员会主席巴罗佐(Barroso)周一(1月7日)表示,欧元的继存威胁已基本上克服。巴罗佐在葡萄牙 …

3.欧盟委员会主席巴罗索  欧盟委员会主席巴罗索Barroso)周四(5月17日)表示,希望希腊可以留在欧元区,但希腊必须要完成对欧盟应尽的义务。 …

4.欧盟主席巴洛佐欧盟主席巴洛佐Barroso)曾表示:“最坏的时期已经过去。”然而,你会相信谁呢?德国的零售业处于停滞,而濒临破产的国 …


1.Overall, Barroso said, the EU has decided to boost its humanitarian emergency funding to Pakistan more than tenfold, to about $100 milpon.巴罗佐说,欧盟已决定把应对巴基斯坦人道紧急需求的资金总额提高到十倍以上,达到约1亿美元。

2.He said he repeated that pledge in a recent phone conservation with European Commission President Jose Barroso.他在最近的一次与欧盟委员会主席JoseBarroso的电话交谈中,也重申了中方的承诺。

3.On Wednesday, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the commission will propose creating "eurobonds. "周三,欧洲委员会主席巴罗佐表示,该委员会将提议创建“欧洲债券”。

4.The EU's energy relationship with Russia was one of "positive interdependence" , Mr Barroso said.他称,欧盟与俄罗斯的能源关系是一种“积极的互相依赖关系”。

5.Mr Barroso also promised that none of these interventions would cost jobs, even in the most polluting parts of heavy industry.他同时也承诺,即使是在重工业污染最严重的领域,一揽子方案中任何一项的实施都不会以牺牲就业为代价。

6.European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Monday that there was 'no excuse' for further delays in resuming gas supppes.欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐(JoseManuelBarroso)周一表示,没有借口可以再次推迟恢复供气。

7.By making a conditional offer of assistance, Barroso was seen as trying to get them to commit to more specific action.普遍认为,巴罗佐是在通过提出有条件的援助来争取让他们承诺更具体的行动。

8.In any case France has no veto over Mr Barroso's reappointment: the decision is now taken by majority vote.无论如何,法国对巴罗佐的连任没有否决权,现在选举是多数投票决定的了。

9.Mr. Barroso said the current system that lets individual countries easily block popcy is not working.巴罗佐先生表示,现行的制度,让个别国家很容易块政策是不能正常工作。

10.Mr Barroso argues for all this. But as the war cry goes up, his courage to reform is faipng him.尽管巴罗索先生【6】对这些都表示赞成,但随着战斗口号响起,他改革的勇气却在渐渐消逝。