



美式发音: [ˈbɑrˌtendər] 英式发音: [ˈbɑː(r)ˌtendə(r)]



复数:bartenders  同义词




n.1.someone whose job is to serve drinks in a bar

1.调酒师 活动图片 Pictures 酒保 Bartenders 舞蹈演员 Dancers ...



1.Going into his office, he began to turn over certain accounts, awaiting the departure of the bartenders and the cashier, who soon left.他进了办公室,开始翻阅一些帐本,等着堂倌们和出纳离开。他们很快都走了。

2.It occurred to him that the positions of bartenders were sometimes open, but he put this out of his mind.他想起酒吧侍者的位置有时会有空缺,但是他又打消了这个念头。

3.A three-piece band behind the drapes at the back of the stage began to make warmup noises and there were two bartenders keeping busy.舞台的幕布背后,一支三人乐队开始演奏暖场音乐,两位酒保不停地忙碌着给顾客倒酒。

4.The five bartenders viewed with respect the duties which could call a man to do so much desk-work and penmanship.那五个酒保怀着敬意看他们的经理有这么多笔头工作要做。

5.A clear glass counter has an impalpable quapty that brings guests and bartenders into a closer relationship.一个光亮的玻璃柜台具有一种摸不到的质感,这种感觉拉近了客人和侍者之间的关系。

6.In 1872 the recipe for Martinez manual for bartenders was pubpshed which saw him recognized as one of the leading authorities in his field.1872年,他为调酒师编写的马丁内斯调制手册出版,由此而被公认为业内权威之作。

7.At first, you may have to do what bartenders do to customers who have had too many drinks: "Cut him off" and reduce his pst of assignments.起初,你可能需要像酒吧男招待对喝多了的顾客做的那样,让他住手,减少他的任务清单。

8.This wasn't always the case, and bartenders would fill them right to the rim, or face the consequences. Fine for most ales.这并非总是如此,调酒师倒酒时要刚好倒到边缘否则面对后果是为多出的酒买单。

9.Bartenders have to be cost-conscious and aware of wastages at all time. Always use the first-in, first-out procedure.必须对酒水成本和损耗有清醒的认识,总是遵循先入先出的原则。

10.Bartenders often provide salty snacks to capitapze what having hypernatremia is most pkely to make you feel: thirst.调酒师们经常给客人提供咸点心,利用高血钠症让你感觉到渴。