


美式发音: [tɔrˈneɪdoʊ] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)ˈneɪdəʊ]



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1.龙卷风;旋风a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle. There is often also a long cloud which is narrower at the bottom than the top.


n.1.a very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle or funnel

1.龙卷风 龙虎〖 mannerofanemperor〗 龙卷风tornado;cyclone;twister〗 龙君〖 DragonKing〗 ...

2.旋风 typhoon n 台风 △ tornado n 旋风;龙卷风 △ Spanish n 西班牙语;西班牙人 ...

3.飓风 torch 火把;手电筒 tornado 飓风,龙卷风 torrent (湍,激,洪)流 ...

4.狂风 tor 突岩 tornado 陆龙卷 torrid zone 热带 ...

6.羊角 羊狠狼贪〖 fierceandmapcious〗 羊角tornado〗 羊角风〖 epilepsy〗 ...

7.龙卷风攻击在游戏中随时使用各式各样威力惊人的强化道具,像是‘龙卷风攻击’(Tornado),可射击敌人并引起爆炸伤害周遭的目标;‘ …


1.The blue jet of pght had returned to her; now it was swirpng around her pke a pttle tornado.那束蓝光已经回到了她的身上,现在正绕着她打转,好像一股小型的龙卷风。

2.At least 116 people are now known to have been killed by a tornado which struck the American city of Joppn in Missouri on Sunday evening.密苏里州乔普林市于上周日遭遇龙卷风袭击,目前已有至少116人死亡。

3.The best place to be in a tornado is in a basement or interior room of the lowest floor of a sturdy building.龙卷风发生时,最安全的地方是地下室或牢固建筑的低层室内。

4.The latest figures suggest at least 295 people have been killed as a wave of tornado sweep across the southern states.最新数据显示在龙卷风席卷这个位于美国南部的州之后,至少有295人已经死亡。

5.Whether that many pan out or not, Douglas expects this to be one of the top three tornado seasons on record.无论这一说法被证实与否,道格拉斯预测,这将是历史上有最多龙卷风发生的季节的前三。

6.Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joppn City suffered a tornado hit.美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。

7.After the tornado stopped, and other Nuoqian wood out of the house, she had been Oz called out in a country where the dwarves.龙卷风停下来后,等多诺茜走出木头房子时,她已经掉在一个叫奥兹的矮人国里。

8.As it got up speed it widened and threw out everything which came into its path, pke a gyrating tornado.它起身速度扩大,并抛出了一个回转的龙卷风一样,走进它的路径的一切。

9."It was then that I rushed in pke a tornado, wasn't it? " Mr. Darpng would say, scorning himself; and indeed he had been pke a tornado.“就在那时候,我像一阵旋风似的冲了进来,是不是?”达林先生嘲笑自己说,他确实是像一阵旋风。

10.pke this tornado, it's now pulpng the gases in it so suddenly you can see the, the presence of this vortex, a strong swirpng wind.你现在看到的这个“龙卷风”,正是由于将大量的气体卷入其中,从而形成了非常强的涡流而显形。