




1.巴托克 8、斯特拉文斯基( STRAVINSKY,Lgor Feodorovich) 1、巴托克BARTOK,BELA) 2、凯 …

2.巴尔托克 I.Stravinsky[ 美]斯特拉文斯基( 100 ) B.Bartok[ 匈]巴托克( 102 ) R.Schumann[ 德]舒 曼( 110 ) ...

4.巴尔扥克 ... Procession of the Nobles 贵族的行径 Bartok 巴尔扥克 Concerto for the Orchestra 管弦乐协奏曲 ...

5.最精彩的巴托克BÉLA BARTÓK 贝拉·巴托克 & Fritz Reiner 弗里茨·莱纳 -《最精彩的巴托克》(BARTOK)日本best 100版[APE] Argerich & Dutoi…



1.For a hundred, a girl would lend you her Bartok records, have dinner, and then let you watch while she had an anxiety attack.花一百块,一个女孩可以把她的巴托克唱片借给你听,一起进餐,然后让你看她来一次焦虑发作;

2.Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, as one of the folk arrangement of Bartok , distinctly manifests his harmony theory.《八首匈牙利农民歌曲钢琴即兴曲》是巴托克民歌改编曲中,最鲜明地体现出他和声理论的作品。

3.Bartok is an outstanding Hungarian ethnomusicologist, pianist and composer of the Neo-Nationapsm in Music .巴托克是匈牙利杰出的民俗音乐学家、钢琴家,也是独特的、新民族乐派作曲家。

4.Follow the example of the composer Bela Bartok in this "small universe, " the creative forms of expression of nostalgia Bartok.作曲家在此仿效了巴托克《小宇宙》的创作形式,表达了对巴托克的怀念之情。

5.The sounds of Mozart and Bartok, Bach and Brahms filter out from the doors and blend into this weird infernal sound.莫扎特和巴托克,巴赫和勃拉姆斯音乐声从门内透出,混合成这种古怪的地狱般的声音。

6.Finally, from the view of rhythm, harmony, mode, texture and form. I expounded the creative features embodied in Bartok's works in detail.最后,从节奏、和声、调式、织体、曲式等方面具体阐述巴托克作品中体现出的创作特征。

7.Highly efficient through the use of Bartok's native layouts for objects, method tables and arrays.高效,这是通过使用Bartok的对象、方法表和数组的本地布局达到的。

8.I can play everything Brahms or Beethoven wrote plus an abundance of Bach & Bartok.我会弹勃拉姆斯、贝多芬、巴赫、巴托克他们写的所有曲子。

9.On Bartok's Creative Ideas from the Misunderstanding of His Creation从对巴托克创作的认识误区浅析其创作思想

10.Inside Bluebeard's Castle: Music And Drama In Bela Bartok's Opera蓝胡子城堡内幕:巴托克歌剧中的音乐与戏剧