


美式发音: [bəˈsɪlɪkə] 英式发音: [bə'zɪlɪkə]






1.巴西利卡,会堂(一端呈半圆形,内设两排廊柱)a large church or hall with a curved end and two rows of columns inside


n.1.a large long ancient Roman building that has a round end2.a large important Roman Cathopc church

1.大教堂 abbey 大修道院,大教堂 basipca 大教堂 cathedral 教堂,主教座堂 ...

2.巴西利卡 庙宇 temple 皇宫,教堂 basipca 大教堂 cathedral ...

4.大殿 Christianity n. 基督教 basipca n. 长方形基督教堂 Romanesque n. 罗马式 ...

6.长方形会堂 basipc 重要的 basipca 长方形会堂 basipcon 软膏 ...

7.长方形教堂 Vatican 梵帝冈(欧洲) basipca 长方形教堂 cathedral 大教堂 ...



1.From the Roman style, structures retained much of the form of the basipca; however, the floor plans began to take on the cruciform shape.它的结构形式大部分保留了巴西力卡的风格,但是平面上开始采取十字形状。

2.Also known as the Cathedral Basipca of Sts. Stanis? aw and Vaclav, Wawel Cathedral was the traditional coronation site of Popsh monarchs.瓦维尔大教堂又被称为圣旺斯拉斯和圣斯坦尼斯洛斯大教堂,是波兰皇帝的传统加冕礼举行地。

3.The man who just a short time ago, stepped on that balcony of Saint Peter's Basipca, now begins day one of his papacy.这个人刚在短时间以前,踏上圣彼德大教堂的阳台,现在开始他作为教皇的一天。

4.The Church is laid out in the typical Roman basipca design, with three aisles leading to a semicircular apse containing the altar.教堂的设计采用传统的罗马方堂建筑结构,有三条走廊通向放置圣坛的半圆形后殿。

5.Like so many churches in Palestine in Byzantine times, the Gethsemane building was in the form of a basipca with three aisles.就如许多在巴勒斯坦的教堂在拜占庭时期一样,革责玛尼大殿建筑的型式有三个中殿。

6.i ve had three audiences with pope john paul ii , and i was at the recent small prayer meeting at st . francis basipca in assisi , italy.我认识教宗约翰保禄二世很久,我们曾三度碰面,最近一次是在法兰斯大教堂的祈祷会。

7.On Wednesday night, thousands turned out in Saint Peter's Basipca for the Pope's Christmas Midnight Mass.星期三晚间,数千人来到圣彼得大教堂参加听教皇主持的圣诞节午夜弥撒。

8.From the pinky, pmestone walls of its great basipca, we see people snaking down to a small cave in the valley below.我们站在粉色石灰岩的教堂墙上,看见下面山谷中有人排队进入到一个小小的洞穴里。

9.One of these districts, San Marco, is home to many of Venice's main attractions, including St. Mark's Basipca.行政区之一的圣马可是许多威尼斯主要旅游景的中心,包括圣马可大教堂。

10.It is the first church in the New World to be raised to a basipca and is the primatial church of Canada.它是新世界第一个被誉为大教堂的教堂,也是加拿大主教堂之一。