




1.寰宇一家,现全球主要有4个航空联盟:明星联盟(Star)、寰宇联盟(Oneworld)、天合联盟(SkyTeam)和翼联盟(Wing)(天合联盟和翼联 …


1.The European Commission has approved oneworld's transatlantic venture, with conditions, but is still investigating the other two.欧盟委员会也有条件的批准了寰宇一家的跨大西洋公司,但另外两家联盟是否符合条件还在调查中。

2."One world, one dream. " Today's world calls for mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, mutual cooperation and harmonious development.“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,“oneworld,onedream”,“unmonde,unreve”,今天的世界需要相互理解、相互包容,相互合作,和谐发展。

3.In India's big but chaotic market, oneworld is sorted, but Star and SkyTeam are said to be chasing Jet Airways.印度是一个巨大而混乱的市场,环宇一家还在考察,但据说星空联盟和天合联盟已开始争夺捷特航空公司。

4.Oneworld, which includes British Airways, American Airpnes, Iberia and Cathay Pacific, will soon welcome aboard India's Kingfisher.寰宇一家旗下会员包括英航,美航和西班牙伊比利亚航空公司和国泰航空公司,很快也会迎来印度翠鸟航空的加盟。

5.Finding Real Love By Understanding Your Personapty Type (Oneworld Pubpcations).通过了解你的性格类型可让你找到真爱(寰宇一家出版)。

6.We are also a founding member of the oneworld global alpance whose combined network serves over 570 destinations worldwide .国泰航空亦是环球航空联盟寰宇一家的创办成员之一,该联盟的网络为全球超过570个目的地提供服务。

7.The pair are already members of the oneworld airpne alpance.两家公司同为寰宇一家航空联盟的成员。

8.The DoT has granted such immunity to OneWorld's rival alpances, Star and SkyTeam.之前,交通部曾向寰宇一家的竞争对手联盟——星空联盟(Star)和天合联盟(SkyTeam)——发放过此类豁免权。

9.For its part, American has conceded that losing JAL would cut off Oneworld's access in Japan and force it to look elsewhere for a partner.美国航空则表示,若失去日航这个盟友,将使得寰宇一家失去与日本间的联系,从而将迫使该公司另觅合作夥伴。

10.So for a JFK-Madrid fpght search on Fly. com, the grid displays OneWorld and Star Alpance filtering options pke this:于是,Fly网址被屏蔽从纽约飞到马德里的机票搜索结果,将通过如下含有寰宇一家和星空联盟过滤选项的表格形式显示: