


美式发音: [ˈbɑsrə] 英式发音: ['bɑ:srə]





un.1.city and port in southeastern Iraq, at the northern end of the Shatt al Arab waterway.

1.巴士拉 也门 Yemen 巴士拉 Basra 巴格达 Bağdat ...

2.巴斯拉 Barry 巴里 英国 Basra 巴士拉 伊拉克 Bassein 勃生 缅甸 ...


6.伊拉克南部巴斯拉经过6年在伊拉克南部巴斯拉Basra)驻守的时间,联合王国在今天(2009.04.30)下午1400(?)举行典礼,将部队撤离, …

7.伊拉克第二大城市巴斯拉经过两个星期的激战,英军首先控制了伊拉克南部的石油重镇、伊拉克第二大城市巴斯拉(Basra)。在伊拉克全境都出现了断水 …

8.伊拉克的巴斯拉流向东南,经伊拉克的巴斯拉(Basra)港和伊朗的阿巴丹(Abadan)港,注入波斯湾,全程193公里(120哩)。其水道后半部的东岸 …


1.Near Basra, ICRC contractor was repairing a water pipe after it was damaged by an explosion during the war.在巴士拉附近,红十字国际委员会正维修一条被战火破坏的水管。

2.So the Basra handover is an opportunity for the U. S. to wash its hands of a "mess" for which it has no solution.因此巴士拉的交接是美国撒手不管一个管不了的“烂摊子”的机会。

3.The British, after all, gave up their bases inside the city last summer and have been hunkered down on a base at Basra's airport ever since.毕竟,英国人在夏天放弃他们在市内的基地,自此在巴士拉机场的基地蹲着。

4.Against many expectations, Basra is steadily being transformed into a Mini-Me of the Kurdish city in northern Iraq, Sulaymaniya.与许多预期相反,巴士拉正在逐步转变成伊拉克北部苏来曼尼亚(Sulaymaniya)的一座库尔德人迷你小城。

5.In Basra too, after an astonishing turn-round, the Iraqi army seems to have bested the Sadrists.在巴士拉地区,在经历了巨大的逆转之后,伊拉克政府军看起来对萨达尔人很有益。

6.And Major James Gasson-Hargraves, the British commander in Basra, said the Iraqis wanted to take control.驻巴士拉英军司令詹姆斯·盖森-哈格里夫斯少校说,伊拉克人已经准备接管该地区防务。

7.The three rockets fired at the British miptary base at Basra airport within an hour of his statement are another.在他发表了这番言论后一个小时内,三枚火箭攻击了英军在巴士拉机场的基地,这是“状况”不妙的又一证明。

8.But officials say if the Iraqi armed forces are strengthened and security improves in Basra, British troops will be able to return home.但是官员们说,如果伊拉克武装力量得到加强,巴士拉的安全局势有所改善,英国军队就可以回国。

9.Another factor that has influenced British thinking is the difference between the security situation in Basra and that in Baghdad.另外一个影响了英国思维的事实是巴士拉与巴格达安全状况的不同。

10.Residents of Basra say crime and terrorism have flourished since the Britain handed control back to Iraqi forces in December.巴士拉省居民说,自从英国12月把控制权交还给伊拉克部队以后,犯罪活动和恐怖行动日益猖狂。