


美式发音: [ˈbæstərd] 英式发音: [ˈbɑːstə(r)d]







1.杂种;浑蛋;恶棍used to insult sb, especially a man, who has been rude, unpleasant or cruel

He's a real bastard.他是个十足的恶棍。

You bastard! You've made her cry.你这个浑蛋!你把她弄哭了。

2.(认为别人走运或不幸时说)家伙,可怜虫a word that some people use about or to sb, especially a man, who they feel very jealous of or sorry for

What a lucky bastard!真是个走运的家伙!

You poor bastard!你这个可怜虫!

3.讨厌的事物;麻烦事used about sth that causes difficulties or problems

It's a bastard of a problem.那是个挺麻烦的问题。

4.私生子a person whose parents were not married to each other when he or she was born



n.1.an insulting word for an unpleasant or annoying man2网站屏蔽ed after an adjective for talking to or about someone in a funny or sympathetic way3.someone whose parents are not married to each other. This word is now considered to be offensive.4.something that is very difficult or annoying1.an insulting word for an unpleasant or annoying man2网站屏蔽ed after an adjective for talking to or about someone in a funny or sympathetic way3.someone whose parents are not married to each other. This word is now considered to be offensive.4.something that is very difficult or annoying

1.私生子 Spaniard 西班牙人 bastard 私生子 dullard 笨人,笨汉 ...

2.王八蛋 1.overtore rain 找自己 2.bastard 王八蛋 3.airport in 飞机场的10:30 ...

3.杂种 - good的日志 - 网易博客 ... 8. shit 狗屁,胡说八道 10.bastard 混蛋, 讨厌鬼 2. nerd/geek 讨厌鬼 ...

5.坏蛋 坏处【 harm;disadvantage】 坏蛋【 scoundrel;bastard】 坏事【 evil deed;bad thing】 ...

6.讨厌鬼 - good的日志 - 网易博客 ... 8. shit 狗屁,胡说八道 10.bastard 混蛋, 讨厌鬼 2. nerd/geek 讨厌鬼 ...

7.坏东西 ... 坏蛋〖 scoundrel;bastard〗 坏东西bastard;scoundrel;rogue;rascal;badperson〗 坏话〖 unpleasantwords〗 ...

8.劣货 "浅蓝色亚麻细平布"," bastancini" "代用品;假冒品;劣货"," bastard" "变种石绵"," bastard asbestos" ...


1."The United States Navy is ready, " Pug shot back. "I've been working pke a bastard all day on a general operation order for convoy. "“美国海军已经准备好了。”帕格反击说。“我象孙子似的整天在起草一份护航总行动的训令。”

2.He promised to call me back, and he never did, bastard.他许诺说会给我回电,却一直没打过来,这个混蛋。

3.But fearing he would be taunted as a bastard in the village, she brought him with her to Beijing when he reached school age.但是担心孩子会在村里受到欺辱,到了上学的年龄就把他带到了北京。

4.Boss6 : You bastard! Just sit and wait! Wait for the birth of a new God! I shall take over the power of Earth!杂种,坐着等就好!等待一位新神的诞生吧!我将会接管地球的力量!

5.Which bastard always gods mouth, and said bad things about me, roll away the point, friend did not have to do, die a prescription.哪个混蛋老是鸡婆嘴,说我坏话,滚远点,朋友没得做,死开点。

6.Lucky bastard. It's got to be that stupid accent of his.这个幸运的混蛋。肯定是他那愚蠢的口音起了作用。

7.Btuitut over the long haul, capitapsm tends to act as a moderating force on the bastard-crushing fantasies of the web's pioneers.但是从长远看,资本主义倾向于减缓对于这个“混蛋粉碎者”先锋的压力。

8.The ghetto was at least no longer content with its status as bastard child of urban America .黑人区至少已经不再满足于自己作为美国城市私生子的身份。

9.Husband hides behind the door, holding video camera ready to shoot. Wife serves dishes waiting for the bastard taking advantage.丈夫就躲在门后准备好拍摄,妻子上菜等混蛋现行。

10.Even if you were a ruthless bastard, they'll probably leave thinking, 'Yes, he was a ruthless bastard, but he spoke fondly of us'.即使你以前是一个冷酷无情的家伙,他们或许也会在想,‘不错,他以前是一个冷酷无情的家伙,但他谈到我们时很有感情。