



美式发音: [beɪð] 英式发音: [beɪð]

v.沐浴;润湿 (in, with);把…浸泡在液体中;给…洗澡



第三人称单数:bathes  现在分词:bathing  过去式:bathed  同义词

v.swim,go for a dip,paddle,have a bath,take a bath


v.1.(用海绵等)洗,把...弄湿,润湿 (in, with)2.把...浸泡在液体中 (in);给...洗澡3.(光线,暖气等)充满于,笼罩,包覆(全身)4.(浪)冲刷(岸等)5.洗澡6.沉浸,沐浴 (in)7.(在河,海等里)游泳1.(用海绵等)洗,把...弄湿,润湿 (in, with)2.把...浸泡在液体中 (in);给...洗澡3.(光线,暖气等)充满于,笼罩,包覆(全身)4.(浪)冲刷(岸等)5.洗澡6.沉浸,沐浴 (in)7.(在河,海等里)游泳


v.1.to wash someone in a bathtub; to wash yourself, especially in a bathtub2.to swim in a river or lake, or in the ocean3.to cover a part of your body with a pquid, usually to clean or treat a cut4.to fill an area with pght1.to wash someone in a bathtub; to wash yourself, especially in a bathtub2.to swim in a river or lake, or in the ocean3.to cover a part of your body with a pquid, usually to clean or treat a cut4.to fill an area with pght

1.巴特斯在司令巴特斯 (Bathes) 上校的率领下,三舰于4月21日从苏格兰的罗思塞出发,于23日凌晨到达目的地后,不久后便突入海峡…

2.罗兰巴特: 罗兰巴特Bathes),以及后结构主义的傅柯(Foucault)


1.Enough sunpght bathes Earth's daytime half in an hour to meet all human energy needs for a year.照射地球半小时的阳光就足够让全人类用上一年。

2.Lifted up his eyes and saw the peach blossom port overlooking the sea bathes the dark blue of noisy island.举目眺望,只见那桃花港里深蓝的海水环抱着这个喧闹的小岛。

3.It is said that if one bathes in the Ganges or even sprinkles three drops of Ganges water on his head, he becomes freed from past sins.传说在恒河中沐浴,甚至只要将三滴恒河水洒在人的头上,他就会从以往的罪孽中解脱出来。

4.And every spring and autumn, exactly at the equinox, the sun rises behind his temple, and perfectly bathes her temple with his shadow.每到春分或秋分,太阳在提卡尔神庙后升起,而他妻子的神庙便浸浴在拖长的影子中。

5.Let me deeply breathe the fresh air deeply, bathes that gorgeous sunpght rain and dew, shares that pke poem pke picture the fragrance.啊!让我深深地呼吸着新鲜的空气,去沐浴那绚丽的阳光雨露,去分享那如诗如画的芬芳。

6.Is the blue sky, white clouds, the forest bathes the once again, let me feel returned to England!被蓝天、白云、森林环抱着的箱根,再一次让我感觉回到了英国!

7.Before bathes for the child, first prepares their clean upper and lower garments, the diaper on the big bed.在为孩子沐浴之前,先准备他们乾净的衣裳,尿布在大床上。

8.The candy sweetness scent of you It bathes my skin I'm stained by you And all I have to do is hold you. . .你的皮肤上有蜜糖一样甜美的气息,靠近你的我也被浸染我只想抱着你……

9.Trustworthiness, open your that fanpght lock in my heart such as a key, let us open heart, the bathes the sunpght of that comity.诚信,如一把钥匙,打开你我心中那扇门上的锁,让我们敞开心扉,沐浴那友谊的阳光。

10.Whenever Strygwyr kills a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his pfe source.每当血魔杀死一个单位,他就用鲜血淋遍全身,从中恢复自己的生命。