


美式发音: [ˈbæt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['bæt(ə)n]




复数:battens  现在分词:battening  过去式:battened  同义词反义词


v.fasten,fix,close,secure,batten down



1.挂瓦条,压条,板条(用于固定其他建筑材料)a long strip of wood that is used to keep other building materials in place on a wall or roof

v.IDMbatten down the hatches做好迎接困难的准备to prepare yourself for a period of difficulty or trouble(风暴来临前)封住底舱口to firmly shut all the entrances to the lower part, especially because a storm is expected


v.1.装条板于;在...上钉扣板,把...用板条钉牢2.养肥自己,长胖 (on);肥私囊3.饱餐,大吃 (on upon)4.养肥(猪,羊等)1.装条板于;在...上钉扣板,把...用板条钉牢2.养肥自己,长胖 (on);肥私囊3.饱餐,大吃 (on upon)4.养肥(猪,羊等)

n.1.a long piece of wood that is attached to something in order to hold it in place or make it stronger

1.板条 basic design 基本设计 batten 压条,板条 beam 船宽,梁 ...

2.压条 basic design 基本设计 batten 压条,板条 beam 船宽,梁 ...

3.木条 板材 plank 木条 batten 板条 lath ...

4.狭木条 bamboo skin 竹篾 batten 狭木条 bituminous Kraft paper 地沥青牛皮纸 ...

5.夹板 加装砂心 embedded core 夹板,撑条 batten 夹层处理法 sandwich method ...

6.撑条 加装砂心 embedded core 夹板,撑条 batten 夹层处理法 sandwich method ...

7.小方材 bathroom tile 浴室瓷砖 batten 小方材 batten cleat 加劲板条 ...

8.条板 Bathing ladder 游泳梯子 Batten 条板 Batten down! 用条板封闭(舱口) ...


1.The kind of hollow batten whose performance indicators meet the national standards can replace the product made of natural gypsum.经测试,该产品完全可替代天然石膏空心条板,技术性能指标达到了国家规定的相关标准。

2.And Mr Netanyahu's American backers may, he fears, have to batten down in the face of some stormy years ahead under Mr Obama.而且内塔尼亚胡担心在奥巴马执政的日子里,他的美国的支持者不得不做好准备以防“暴风骤雨式改革打压”的降临。

3.On closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that the crisis forced the industry as a whole to batten down the hatches.然而,通过更仔细地观察,我们可以清晰地发现,这场危机迫使整个保险业严正以待。

4.the instinct of self - preservation warned him to batten down his hatches , to smother the fire with want of air.自卫的本能警告他用木条把仓门钉好,把火头闷熄,不要闯出大祸来。

5.The exterior is faced with horizontal, open-jointed cedar batten cladding, which further emphasises the geometry of the building.外立面雪松板覆层,更加强调了建筑的几何造型。

6.You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits.你和你的朋友们最好小心点因为到那个时候

7.Batten down the hatches when this sea otter pirate comes aboard . He's got a great right hook !在这只水獭海盗上船之前赶紧封舱做好准备!他有厉害的右勾手!

8.After the bed is rotated to an appropriate angle, the batten with the pin bolt lock is taken down, and the bed drawer is laid flat.转至适宜的角度后,将带有销钉锁的板条取下,放平床屉。

9.James Batten, headmaster, says there are "10 at least" schools in Beijing that teach a British syllabus.该校校长詹姆士•巴滕(JamesBatten)表示,北京“至少有10所”学校在教授英式课程。

10.And three Balkan countries on the verge of admission this week (Croatia, Macedonia, and Albania) can help batten down that volatile region.而且克罗地亚、马其顿和阿尔巴尼亚这三个巴尔干国家本周差不多获得接纳,有助于这个动荡地区的稳定。