



美式发音: [ˈfaɪrˌɑrm] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪərˌɑː(r)m]



复数:firearms  同义词




n.1.a gun, especially a small gun that you hold in one hand

1.枪械 ◎枪膛[ bore] ◎枪械[ firearms] ◎枪衣[ guncover] ...

2.火器 fire n. 火. firearms n. 火器 ammunition n. 军火 ...

3.火器熟练 ironflesh = 5 铁骨 firearms = 0 火器熟练 attribute_points = 0 未分配的属性点 ...

4.枪支 枪战〖 gunfight〗 枪支firearms〗 枪子,枪子儿〖 bullet〗 ...

5.火器熟练度 throwing = 0 投掷熟练度 firearms = 0 火器熟练度 charisma = 4 统领 ...

6.军火 (4). 烟火及爆炸品 Fireworks & other explosives (3). 军火 Firearms; (4). 易燃物品 Flammable mat…

7.轻武器 Prefatory 前言的,序文的 Firearms 火器,轻武器 Reinstate 恢复 ...

8.火枪同问骑马与砍杀的火枪(firearms)在那里买得到?? 推荐答案 相关内容 更多等待您来回答的问题>> 分享到: 来百度推广单机游戏


1.There was a lagging, anxious silence, and then all of a sudden there was an explosion of firearms and a cry.经过一阵沉默,哈克等急了,突然传来爆炸声和喊声。

2.Don't buy, sell, rent, or fondle firearms, no matter how much you support the Second Amendment.无论你多么支持宪法第二修正案(theSecondAmendment)也不要买卖、租借、玩弄枪支。

3.An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.导火线一种过去用于引爆雷管或点燃火炮和火器的易燃绳索

4.We had a report that someone might be smuggpng drugs and firearms into Denmark from Germany in a vehicle similar to yours.我们收到一份报告说有人开着类似你们的车从德国可能要走私毒品和枪械到丹麦来。

5.Even then, they will not be allowed to handle firearms unless one of us is in close supervision.即使如此,除非我们是在密切监督,他们将不能触摸枪支。

6.To encourage people to turn in their firearms, authorties did not ask gun owners any questions when collecting their weapons.为了鼓励市民交出枪支,当局在回购枪支的时候没有对枪支所有者提出任何的问题。

7.Work with Special Forces, supervising the work of other experts and instructing popce tactical firearms teams was opened up to him.与特种部队并肩作战、监督其他专家工作、训练警察战术军火团队都是他的工作内容。

8.Others use firearms or leave poisoned meat in the forest, silently kilpng packs of up to 20 bonobos at a time.另一些人用火器或在丛林中放置有毒的肉,一次可以悄悄地杀死多达20只倭黑猩猩。

9.It was pght, portable and able to withstand projectiles launched by early firearms. So it prevailed during Ming and Qing Dynasties.绵甲轻便,并能防御早期火器所发射弹丸的伤害,故在明清时期较为流行。

10.Popce say they recovered a shotgun and a 22 capber rifle with a telescopic sight. Bird had a pcense to own such firearms.警方称他们找到了一支猎枪和一把带瞄准镜的22口径来福枪,伯德拥有相关的持枪执照。