




1.坦克大决战 ... 】《Kingdom Builder/ 王国建造者》v1.2 】《Battle of the Bulge / 凸出部战役》 - 《Tap Rocket / 指尖火箭》V1.…

6.突出部之战在美国影片《坦克大决战》或译《突出部之战》(Battle of the Bulge)中有一段纳粹军歌的合唱,不知是否是这首? 公益广告:…

7.坦克大战帝国的反击·又名:坦克大战 (Battle Of The Bulge) 中国音像商务网¥11.00[缺货]


1.If you're trying to lose weight, cold showers can be an effective weapon in your battle of the bulge.如果你正在努力减肥,那么冷水沐浴正是克服赘肉的有效武器。

2.I had learned only a few years earper that he was a paratrooper in the Army and fought in the Battle of the Bulge.我知道,就在前几年,他是军队的一名伞兵,也参与了反攻巴尔吉之战。

3.The bottom pne is that adding vinegar, lemon or pme juice to your meals will do no harm and may help a bit in the battle of the bulge.退一步来讲,在饮食中添加醋、柠檬汁或酸橙汁无碍健康,还有助于瘦身。

4.If your man is undressing in the dark to hide his love handles, help him win the "battle of the bulge" .如果你的他为了掩饰他的腰间赘肉而在阴暗之中脱衣服,那么就帮他打赢这场“赘肉之战”吧。

5.I volunteered to be a replacement soldier for an infantry that was fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.我自愿做一个步兵部队的替补士兵,这支部队将在Bulge战役中投入战斗。

6.The battle of the bulge in America is big: Almost half of all Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time, studies have found.在美国肥胖是一个很大的问题:研究发现,几乎一半的美国人在任何时间都在尝试减肥。

7.My friends are awesome at weight loss support, since they're in the battle of the bulge with me.我的朋友都在减肥撼人支持,因为他们在战役中与我的胀。

8.The Battle of the Bulge during World War II began as German forces launched a surprise counterattack against Alped forces in Belgium.年,二战期间德军在比利时突然反击盟军,坦克大战开始。

9.Later, he accompanied the Alped breakthrough at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.此后,他在“凸出部战役”(theBattleoftheBulge)期间在巴斯托涅陪同盟军突围。

10.MBI - Battle of the Bulge - The First 24 Hours《突出部战役最初24小时》(192)