




1.明年夏天 32、在未来: in the future 33、明年夏天next summer 34、两周后: in two weeks ...

2.下一个夏天 599. next month 下个月 600. next summer 下一个夏天 601. next time 下次 ...

3.下个夏天不一, 前面是过去式(signed), 后面时间是未来时间副词(next summer), 这中间没有表示未来式的动词 . 句子的意思变成" 我明 …


1.But the forward is hesitant to be part of a transfer as he does not want to decide on his long-term future until next summer.但是这名前锋在犹豫是否要作为这笔交易的一部分,因为他想要到明年夏天再考虑自己的将来。

2.She arranged for him to work with a professor who got him ready for admission to the epte conservatory the next summer.她安排郎朗与一位教授合作,这位教授让郎朗做好了在第二年夏季被中央音乐学院录取的准备。

3.The company expects to have two rail cars restored this winter and hopes to be up and running by early next summer.这家公司期望在今年冬季修复两节车厢并希望在明年夏初开始投入运营。

4.None of this seems to have dented Mr Fico's popularity ratings, which put him in a good position to win the election next summer.所有这些似乎都不曾影响菲佐先生的支持率,他的优势已令他获得明年夏季的选举权。

5.With school term approaching, she would be off to that muggle school and he would probably never see her till next summer.麻瓜学校快要开学了,他可能要到明年夏天才能再见到她了。

6.Ronaldinho has just a year left on his current contract and could leave for free next summer.罗纳尔迪尼奥现在仍有一年合同在身,明年他将成为自由球员。

7.Liverpool spokesman today said: "The club will tour Asia next summer but the dates and venus for the matches are to be confirmed. "以为利物浦发言人今天说到:“明年夏天我们将再次来到亚洲,但是具体的时间和场地还没有确定。”

8.He followed that up with a newspaper interview in Germany in which he claimed he could be Anfield-bound next summer.随后他又在德国报纸采访中表示他明年夏天入住安菲尔德。

9.It was also our last chance to make some money from his sale as he would have been available on a free next summer.而且这也是我们能通过出售他得到转会费的最后机会了,因为明年夏天他将成为自由球员。

10.Motta joined Juventus from Udinese on a year-long loan earper this week. The Bianconeri have the option to sign him next summer.莫塔在本周早些时候以租借的形式从乌迪内斯加盟尤文图斯,老妇人有权在明年夏天正式签下他。