






1.George Lucas' original design ideas for the battle tank resembled more of an assault hepcopter: a low-flying armored gun.乔治·卢卡斯最初的战斗坦克设计理念更像一架武装直升机:一个低空盘旋的装甲大炮。

2.A crew of battle droids drives the battle tank and operates the array of laser and projectile weaponry carried by the vehicle.战斗机器人乘员驾驶战斗坦克,操作坦克上的一系列激光和炮弹武器。

3.The vehicle would be a precursor to the development of a future unmanned battle tank.该车将成为未来无人作战坦克发展的前身。

4.Heavy battle tank, equipped with ranged weapons that are effective against infantry and vehicles.装备远程武器的重型战斗坦克,可有效对付步兵及载具。

5.The relation between performance of main battle tank and its combat effectiveness is very important in development of main battle tank.主战坦克研制工作中,需要建立主战坦克的性能参数与作战效能的关系。

6.People's Liberation Army Type 99 battle tank trundles through a darkened forest.一架中国人民解放军99式主战坦克缓慢通过一片漆黑的森林。

7.The Study of the Main Battle Tank "Informatization"主战坦克“信息化”初探

8.A main battle tank weighs more than 50 tons, he can play a very good field mobipty, the messaging system and its power of.一辆主战坦克重达50多吨,却能发挥很好的战地机动性能,这主要是和它的动力传递系统密不可分的。

9.The Abrams tank, the Army's main battle tank, entered service in 1980.美国陆军的主要作战坦克艾布拉姆斯坦克(Abramstank)是在1980年开始服役的。

10.The best battle tank game!大名鼎鼎的超级坦克大战,号称