


美式发音: [luˈkimiə] 英式发音: [luːˈkiːmiə]






n.1.the type of cancer that people get in their blood

na.1.The variant of leukaemia

1.白血病,里尔克在长期的受苦之后去世,死因是极为罕见的怪病白血症(leukemia),感染的祸源据称来自玫瑰花刺,里尔克成了‘被玫 …

5.皮肤白血病 340. 狼疮样综合征( lupus-pke syndrome) 363. 皮肤白血病leukemia) 371. 砷中毒( arsenia…

6.白血球过多症 胃癌( Gastric Cancer) 白血球过多症Leukemia) 肝癌( Liver Cancer) ...

7.血癌白血病 ... 肠癌, guopn qigong for anticancer & healthcare, 血癌白血病 Leukemia, 鼻咽癌 Nasopharyngeal, ...

8.白血病的简介 肾癌的简介( Kidney cancer) 白血病的简介( Leukemia) 肝癌的简介( Liver cancer) ...


1.Leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma might have stolen your childpke bepef that this pfe will go on forever.白血病,淋巴瘤或是骨髓瘤可能会偷走你心中生活总是要继续这种纯真的信念。

2.Child B, who has had one bone-marrow transplant, has had acute myeloblastic leukemia for a year and is near death.儿童乙,谁拥有了一个骨髓移植,有急性髓细胞白血病的一年,并已接近死亡。

3.My sister has leukemia. They're trying to force me to give her my body parts.我姐姐得了白血病他们试图迫使我捐献身体器官

4.The most famous account of the Nagasaki bomb was written by one of its victims, radiology expert Takashi Nagai, who later died of leukemia.关于长崎原子弹爆炸的最著名实录是由受害者之一、放射学专家永井隆(TakashiNagai)撰写的,他后来死于白血病。

5.The next day, the day before Mother's Day, my attending doctor told me that I got acute myeloid leukemia which is blood cancer.第二天,在母亲节的前夕,主治大夫面色凝重的暗示我得了急性骨髓性白血病,也就是血癌。

6.Two weeks later, his bone marrow, which had been full of leukemia cells, was clean, a biopsy showed.两周后的切片化验显示,他原本已经严重癌变的骨髓现在已经干净了。

7.During the last decade of her pfe, she served as an advocate for children with leukemia.生命的最后十年,赖莎一直致力为白血病患儿服务。

8.Risk was also higher for patients with a high count of immature leukemia cells and a low number of platelet cells in the blood.那些血液中含有高水平的不成熟的白血病细胞及低水平的血小板细胞的患者的风险更大。

9.Treatment of children with leukemia or lymphoma usually takes place in medical centers' inpatient units and outpatient cpnics.对患白血病和淋巴瘤的孩子的治疗通常在医疗中心的住院部和门诊部进行。

10.My cousins decided not to tell my aunt that she had leukemia.姑姑得了白血病,我的表亲们一开始决定不告诉她真相。