




1.霸王洗发水 Britney Spears 布兰妮 BAWANG 霸王洗发水 Body graphicsBG 纹身贴 ...

2.葱 jahe 姜 bawang bawang putih 蒜 ...

3.巴湾 巴里奥( Bario) 巴湾Bawang) 古晋( Kuching) ...

4.洋葱或葱 wortel 萝卜 bawang 洋葱或葱 jamur 香菇 ...

5.我不是天仙 ... zcfzl 生在江北活在江北 bawang 我不是天仙 lypang78 的日子 ...


1."Incidents pke this, where shampoos are reported to have problems, are not new, " he said. "Someone is trying to harm me and BaWang. "“类似这样的事故,洗发水出现问题,已是老生常谈的了”他说“某些人在不择手段地中伤我和霸王”

2.Picking up the device, the female western lowland gorilla called Bawang, began to examine it, even fiddpng with the buttons.母猩猩巴旺是只西部低地猩猩,一拾起游戏机便开始研究其中奥秘,甚至还对着按键乱摁一通。

3.Bawang immediately ran over to get the game before sitting down and inspecting it.霸王立即跑过来拿走了,然后找个地方坐下来仔细检查了一下。

4.In your opinion, what is the most effective means of promotion by Bawang shampoo?在你的立场,你觉得那一种推广手法最为有效?。

5.What do you think about BaWang Shampoo price?你觉得霸王洗发水的价钱是多抑或少?。

6.How do you know BaWang Shampoo?你从那里得知霸王洗发水?。

7.Catch up with their peers, he can only sit helpless while the Bawang Zhao.同伴们追不上他,只能眼睁睁的巴望着而束手无策。

8.Have you ever used BaWang Shampoo before?你之前有否用过霸王的洗发水?。