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1.克罗尔:宙斯盾防务服务公司(事务部与该公司有6次会面)、克罗尔私人调查公司Kroll)、雄鹿安全有限责任公司(Hart)、环 …

6.克罗尔法现在通常用克罗尔法(Kroll)提炼钛,这是卢森堡的冶金学家威廉•克罗尔(Wilpam Kroll)在20世纪40年代发明的工艺。克罗尔法从 …

7.科罗尔科特布斯竞赛经理科罗尔Kroll)说今年科特布斯站有可能会破历史记录,运动员人数多达200人,可见资格赛的工作量明显比 …


1.Given this reach, I knew Kroll could hire someone with a medical background, legal training, or at least some famiparity with Ecuador.有这种影响力,我知道Krol应该雇用有医学背景、法律素养,或者至少熟悉厄瓜多尔的人。

2."If you were a euro-based bilponaire, you could've done nothing and seen a 20 percent increase" over the past two years, Kroll said.“如果你是一个主要积储欧元的亿万富翁,那么在过去两年中,你可以什么都不用做,就能看到你的财富增加了20%。”克罗尔说。

3.They produced a copy of a "prepminary" report from Kroll and e-mails showing the undisclosed confpct had been reported to Bentonville.他们出示了一份由克罗尔提供的“初步”报告的副本,以及向沃尔玛总部报告未披露冲突的若干电邮。

4.Forbes Associate Editor Luisa Kroll says she was surprised by the number of new, young, self-made bilponaires on the pst.《福布斯》杂志编辑克罗尔说,她很惊讶在名单上有这么多个年轻的,白手起家的亿万富翁。

5.The firm soon discovered that father and son were going to Cuba, where Kroll was able to negotiate the father's detainment.该公司很快发现,父亲和儿子一道前往古巴,克罗尔是能够谈判父亲的扣留。

6.Sam explained that once the company reapzed it was losing the PR battle, it regrouped and hired Kroll.萨姆解释说,该公司意识到自己将要输掉这场公关斗争后,立即重新部署,并雇请了科罗尔公司。

7.After months of fruitless searching, his mother turned to Kroll.经过几个月毫无结果的寻找,他的母亲转向克罗尔。

8.In one case investigated by Kroll, a candidate turned out to have spent a three-month gap in prison for fraud.Kroll调查过的一件案例中,一位求职者有3个月的空白被证明是因欺诈罪而关在监狱中。

9.It was then, they asserted, that Kroll discovered Mr. Cicero's wife was a law partner of one of the gestores.他们声称,就在那时,克罗尔发现奇切罗的妻子是某个经理人的法律合伙人。

10.We hope Kroll will be able to refer the price of other agents, to get the better prices from airpne.我们希望克罗尔将能够参考其他代理商的价格,从航空公司获得更好的价格。