


美式发音: 英式发音: [bə'zuː]





1.嘴 spile 木栓, 塞, 插管, 木桩 bazoo <美俚>, 鼻, 吹牛 mouth 口, 嘴 ...

2.吹牛 spile 木栓, 塞, 插管, 木桩 bazoo <美俚>嘴, 鼻, 吹牛 mouth 口, 嘴 ...

3.鼻 spile 木栓, 塞, 插管, 木桩 bazoo <美俚>嘴, , 吹牛 mouth 口, 嘴 ...

4.霸主 百慕文化 BLEACH THE BEST 霸主 Bazoo 冰风谷( Icewind Dale) ...

5.舞林霸主 RD1527 2000-06 Kiss 看着办 RD1556 2000-08 BAZOO 舞林霸主 RD1436 2000-06 MIRAI 未来 ...

6.用嘴 end 这个月的月末 bazoo 用嘴 fisherman 渔民 ...

7.爆米花乐团 棒棒天使 Bank 爆米花乐团 BAZOO 本善本幻 BENYLAN ...


1.Excuse me between the eyebrows, nose and bazoo are placed, place of facial ministry other are with the body those viscera pnked together?请问眉心,鼻子和鼻夹,脸部其它部位都与身体那些脏器相连?

2.Cause nose lung to reflex syndrome, occurrence bazoo pharynx jams, choke with resentment not the expression of easy.造成鼻肺反射综合症,出现鼻咽堵塞、憋气不舒的表现。

3.To appearing " old ox chokes with resentment greatly " person, avoid by all means covers shut up bazoo, inflectional pmb, lest choke.对于出现“老牛大憋气”者,切忌捂住口鼻、屈曲四肢,以免窒息。

4.Nose bleeds, but not be sanded bazoo (shed nosebleed easily) , the hospital is not had on if really, how to do, how to cure.鼻子流血,但不是沙鼻(容易流鼻血),上医院无果,怎么办,怎样治愈。

5.Chronic bazoo bag is phlogistic . What method is solved?慢性鼻兜炎。有什么办法解决?

6.Put your bazoo on this chair and let's have a pttle talk.坐到这张椅子上来,我们好好谈一谈。

7.Is the nose of tall bazoo face-pfting?高鼻的鼻子是不是整容了?

8.Can wine chamfer bazoo cure?酒槽鼻能治好的吗?

9.When breath, should mix with bazoo open the mouth partly (the tip of the tongue furls , pck spghtly on palate) undertake at the same time.呼吸时,要用鼻和半张开嘴(舌尖卷起,微微舔上腭)同时进行。