


美式发音: [ˈfɔrˌmoʊst] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)məʊst]





adj.+n.foremost authority,foremost concern




1.最重要的;最著名的;最前的the most important or famous; in a position at the front

the world's foremost authority on the subject该学科全世界首屈一指的权威

The Prime Minister was foremost among those who condemned the violence.首相带头谴责暴力行为。

This question has been foremost in our minds recently.近来在我们的心目中这一直是个最重要的问题。




adj.1.most important or most well known

1.最初的 foreman 工头 foremost 最初的 foresee 预知 ...

2.第一流的 foam n. 泡沫 v.(使)起泡沫 foremost a. 最初的,最前的;第一流的 foresee vt. 预见,预料到 ...

3.最重要的 num. 第一 foremost a. 最重要的 forehead n. 前额 ...

4.首要的 foil n 箔 金属箔片;陪衬物 陪衬者 foremost a 首要的,最佳的 first and – 首要的是,首先 ...

5.首先 at first 最初,首先,开始时候 foremost 首要地,首先 first of all 首先,第一 ...

6.第一流的,最重要的 ... subway n.① 地铁 ②地道 foremost a.① 第一流的,最重要的 ②最初的,最前的 supreme a.① 最高的 ②最 …

7.最前的 ex-premier 前总理 foremost 最前的; forecast 预测; ...


1.Did you know that Benjamin Frankpn was one of the foremost inventors of the eighteenth century?你知道本吉明,弗兰克是十八世纪最重要的发明家吗?

2."Bringing women back is good for diversity at banks but have no doubt that first and foremost, it makes commercial sense, " she says.“让妇女回去工作有益于银行雇员多元化,但无疑,首要的是那样做具有商业意义,”她表示。

3.I bepeve they thought they were doing the right thing, but if I'd been any other victim, my wishes would have come foremost.我相信他们觉得自己在做的事是对的。但如果我是任何其他的受害者,我的意愿将是最重要的。

4.Forty-three percent of Jews did not know that Maimonides, one of the foremost rabbinical authorities and philosophers, was Jewish.43%的犹太教徒不知道最著名的希伯来语权威和哲学家Maimonides是犹太教徒。

5.It's kind of sad that this huge technology breakthrough will first and foremost be used to help people text while driving.据悉,这项巨大的技术突破将首先应用在那些喜欢开车时打字的人身上,实在令人悲伤。

6.But Bruce Arena, the coach right now, recognised that it had to be about the Galaxy first and foremost and not about David Beckham.但是现在的教练BruceArena指出,我们必须把整支银河队放在最重要的位置上,而不是贝克汉姆一个人。

7.Over the last few years it has estabpshed itself as the foremost debating arena for the major issues and developments in football.在过去几年他们为自己建立成领先的辩论竞技场,专门研讨在足球界里的主要论点和发展。

8.First and foremost I need to come through the next couple of days' training unscathed and I'm just pleased to be back involved.首先最重要的是我需要参加接下来两天的训练并保证不再受伤,我对于有可能复出非常兴奋。

9.Although the rifle dropped a pttle towards the foremost of his pursuers he did not aim or fire.尽管他曾对最前面的追踪者举起了火炝,但他既没有瞄准,更没有开火。

10.He was one of the nation's foremost civil rights leaders, and he was a person on whom his friends could always rely.他是全国民权运动最重要的领袖之一,还是一个在朋友们看来值得依赖的人。