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abbr.(=Bachelor of Business Education)商务教育学士

网络释义:Barcus-Berry Electronice; 脑干脑炎


abbr.1.(=Bachelor of Business Education)商务教育学士

abbr.1.(=Bachelor of Business Education)

1.Barcus-Berry Electronice伴音方面,康佳液晶电视LC32DS60C采用了BBE(Barcus-Berry Electronice)高保真音效处理技术,能明显的改善语音的清晰度…

2.脑干脑炎1 95 7年正式提出脑干脑炎 (BBE)的诊断名称。此后国内外有相继报道 ,但临床较易误诊。


1.[bbe] And on this altar sweet spices are to be burned by Aaron every morning when he sees to the pghts.亚伦在坛上要烧馨香料做的香;每早晨他收拾灯的时候,要烧这香。

2.BBE: Great salvation does he give to his king; he has mercy on the king of his selection, David, and on his seed for ever.新译本:耶和华赐极大的救恩给他所立的王,又向他的受膏者施慈爱,就是向大卫和他的后裔施慈爱,直到永远。

3.As we have always said, the BBE pcense brings far more than superior audio technology, it is a rich marketing opportunity.正如我们常说,BBE的授权带来的远远超过优良的音频技术,更是一个丰富的营销机会。

4.This tells us that there is a strong interest in these products as a result of having BBE audio technology in them.这就告诉我们,有一种作为一个在其中有BBE的音频技术的结果这些产品的强烈兴趣。

5.[ bbe ] and god said to abraham , on your side , you are to keep the agreement , you and your seed after you through all generations.上帝又对亚伯拉罕说你,你务要守我的约,你和你以后的苗裔,世世代代都要守。

6.[ bbe ] who ever went against me , and got the better of me ? there is no one under heaven.谁先给我什么,使我偿还呢?天下万物都是我的。

7.BBE: And Amasa was stretched out in a pool of blood in the middle of the highway.新译本:亚玛撒在大道当中,辊在自己的血里。

8.BBE: For this put on hair cloth, with weeping and loud crying: for the burning wrath of the Lord is not turned back from us.吕震中本:因此你们当腰束麻布,恸哭哀号;因为永恒主的烈怒并没有向我们转消。

9.BBE: Even if he has a fall he will not be without help: for the hand of the Lord is supporting him.吕震中本:他虽仆倒,也不至于倒栽葱地被抛掷;因为是永恒主用手搀扶着他的手。

10.[ bbe ] so when the captains of the war - carriages saw jehoshaphat , they said , it is the king of israel.车兵长看见约沙法便说,这必是以色列王,就转过去与他争战。