




1.s域 Unilateral Laplace transform 单边拉普拉斯变换 S domain , s Time domain 时间域 ...

2.转移函数 请问转移函数(s domain)如何在Labview中拉, 在Matlab因有物件所以很容易表示, 麻烦各位为小弟解答罗~~^^谢罗!! ...


1.Likewise, pronouncements by Mr Putin on foreign popcy, which is nominally Mr Medvedev's domain, do not seem to faze the president.同样地,普京对名义上由梅德韦杰夫负责的外交政策的指责,似乎也没有使这位总统感到担忧。

2."Hmmm, " said the Abbot as they reached the heated brass doors of the shorter abishai's domain. "Do I hear another wager being made? "“嗯…”议员说。这时他们已走近了矮个子的办公室的黄铜大门,“我是不是听到你又开了一桩赌?”

3.Moreover, "Server cpnic's" domain is programming, not administration; so what's the point of discussing it here?此外,“服务器诊所”的领域是编程而不是管理;那么,在这里讨论这本书的意义何在呢?

4.Some of this has to do with an individual's domain expertise and biases, whether business, technical, or operational.这样做的一些原因是由于个体的技术不同,或者存在来自商业、技术或操作方面的偏见。

5.It rejects all messages with addresses to a domain other than the company's domain (in this case, contoso. Com).它拒绝发往公司域(本例中为contoso网址被屏蔽)以外的域的所有邮件。

6.Teacher Fei withdrew to the study, which had been his father's domain until his death.范老师退回到书房里,这里是父亲在世时的领地。

7.Do not define conversion operators outside of a type's domain.不要在类型域之外定义转换运算符。

8.In general, mail sent to the name "webmaster" and directed to the website's domain should reach the appropriate person.一般来说,邮件发送到名为“管理员”,并引导到网站的域名应达到适当的人。

9.The original Icelandic law site's domain registration expired, and a pornographer purchased the domain name.原来冰岛法律网站的域名注册已过期,然后其域名被一个色情作家买下了。

10.You can change the name of this computer. You must install networking before you can change this computer 's domain membership.可以更改这台计算机的名称。更改这台计算机的域成员身份前,必须安装网络。