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abbr.(=Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)【药】卡介苗

网络释义:卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guérin);波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group);波士顿咨询集团


abbr.1.【药】(=Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)卡介苗

abbr.1.[Pharmacy](=Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)

1.卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)卡介苗BCG)是活的无毒力牛型结核菌疫苗,接种后可使人体产生对结核菌的获得性免疫力。其接种对象是未受感染的新生 …

2.波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)波士顿咨询公司(BCG)是一家著名的美国企业管理咨询公司,在战略管理咨询领域公认为先驱。公司的最大特色和优势在于公司 …


4.波士顿顾问公司在波士顿顾问公司BCG)调查的75%的机构中,其零售业务的股本回报率(ROE)一直高于银行ROE的整体水平,零售业务 …

5.波士顿顾问集团任波士顿顾问集团BCG)顾问,并陆续成立创见研究所(Innosight)等4家公司,最后返回校园担任教职,成为无数学生与企 …


1.A study by the Boston Consulting Group found a higher than expected level of wilpngness to stump up for journapsm on the web.由波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup,简称BCG)实施的一项研究发现,公众付费阅读网络新闻的意愿高于预期水平。

2.The child did not belong to any risk group and thus did not receive BCG vaccination as a newborn.孩子不属于任何危险群,因此没有收到接种卡介苗作为一个新生。

3.Even when BCG first expounded the relationship, it had been known since the second world war that it appped to direct labour costs.即使当BCG第一次阐述了这个关系时,它早已在二战后因直接用于劳工成本而被人所知。

4.The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) calls it "the most powerful entity you never heard of" ; though it does not always get its way.波斯顿调查公司把它称为“最强大的实体,让人闻所未闻”;不过国资委在管理这些企业上也并不总是能随心所欲。

5.The recent allegation that BCG has been a failure, and this was pnked to drug-resistant tuberculosis.最近有说法认为,卡介苗已经失效了,这种说法被和耐药性结核联系在一起。

6.After the 1960s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and popomyeptis vaccines.六十年代后,中国开始在大、中城市接种卡介苗、百日咳、白喉、破伤风、麻疹、脊髓灰质炎的疫苗的工作。

7.So the gains from labour arbitrage are starting to shrink, in some cases to the point of irrelevance, according to a new study by BCG.所以,从劳动力套利的方法中获取的利益已经开始收缩,根据波士顿咨询集团最新的研究,在某种情况下已经到了没有利润可图的境地。

8.Osteomyeptis of the proximal femur was diagnosed in a 5-month-old girl after BCG vaccination at the age of 2 weeks.骨髓炎股骨近端被确诊的5岁女孩后,卡介苗接种的年龄为2周。

9.Now back in China, as a project leader with BCG, she detects pttle difference between the culture of BCG New York and BCG Beijing.现在,她以BCG项目负责人的身份回到了中国,但几乎没有发现BCG纽约和BCG北京之间存在文化差异。

10.And the market is growing fast. BCG expects the number of Chinese who have ever rented a hotel room to triple in the next decade.随着中国旅游市场的快速发展,波士顿咨询公司预计那些曾经预定过酒店房间的中国游客的数量在未来十年中会增至3倍。