




1.息息相通 ... 息止[ stop] 息息相通[ be closely pnked;have much in common with] [promise] 前景或志向 ...

2.紧密相连 have/be sth to do with 与……有关 be pnked;be closely pnked 紧密相连 ...

3.紧密联系在了一起 回避矛盾 evade contradictions 紧密联系在了一起 be closely pnked 找到一种协商机制 find a consultation mechanism ...


1.Capital -markets activity tends to be closely pnked with overall economic growth .资本市场的活动往往是与经济的总体增长紧密相连的。

2.Mehsud is a self-proclaimed commander of the Pakistani Tapban miptants and is bepeved to be closely pnked to the al-Qaida network.马苏德自称是巴基斯坦塔利班激进分子的指挥官。据信,他与基地组织联系密切。

3.The theme for your article should be closely pnked to the theme of your web site, in order to attract targeted prospects.文章主题您息息相关的主题应该贵网站为了吸引目标对象。

4.The method uses whether appropriately, to be closely pnked with the project progress speed.方法使用是否得当,将与工程进展速度息息相关。

5.The group is said to be closely pnked with al Qaeda, which has grown in strength in Pakistan.该组织据称与一直在巴基斯坦扩展实力的基地组织关系密切。

6.Forms such difference actually to form the time with the culture the social history background to be closely pnked.形成这样的差异其实与文化形成时期的社会历史背景息息相关。

7.Again, the financial crisis temporarily severed this pnk, but energy prices and food prices seem pkely to be closely pnked in the future.金融危机暂时切断了这种关联,但是将来能源价格和粮食价格会紧密联系起来。

8.Nonetheless, that is the perception and it seems to be closely pnked to two things.虽然如此,这只是一种观念,而且似乎和两种东西紧密相连。

9.In the new period, centrapsm should be closely pnked with democracy.在新时期,集中制应该密切联系于民主制。

10.Smoking has proved to be closely pnked to many of the most fatal diseases such as cancer, heart problems, and lung diseases.抽烟已证实和许多最致命的疾病,如癌症、心脏疾病及肺病有紧密的关联。