




1.刘寅 (评论内容只代表网 …

2.洛维特 罗耀拉 Loyolla 罗维特 Lovett 卢德 Ludd ...

4.拉维特 Hampton 汉普顿, Lovett 拉维特, Scarlette 斯卡雷特 ...

5.乐芙特女士一个恶魔理发师(Fleet Street),「凡被他剃过头的人都从此下落不明」。史威尼那狂热的共犯「乐芙特女士(Lovett)」则创造 …

6.老板没人性 joanipa 小熊 LoveTT 老板没人性 youngheart 沙隆巴斯 ...

7.居家软饰消费区 ye596530 二手车交易 lovett 居家软饰消费区 bbfc 汽配商城 ...


1.Mark Lovett, who manages funds at RCM Ltd. 's London office, said he heard the rumor from his trading desk.RCMLtd.驻伦敦基金经理马克•洛维特(MarkLovett)说,他是在交易室听说这个传言的。

2.Mrs. Lovett: Youve got to leave this behind yourself now.洛薇特夫人:你现在要忘记这一切。

3.Mrs. Lovett: She poisoned herself. Arsenic from the apothecary around the corner. . . and hes got your daughter.洛薇特夫人:她服毒自尽了,是从街拐角的药剂师那里得到的砒霜……他接管了你的女儿。

4.I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett.啊,我想问一下你有没有找到那颗海洋之星,拉维特先生

5.Lovett: Seems pke the fates are favoring you at last, Mr. Todd!看来命运之神终于眷顾你了,陶德先生!

6.Lovett voted for the fried chicken ( "Not too greasy, just really good" ) and the greens ( "Perfectly balanced, not too sour" ).和面包(好吃——甜,黄油也很多)赞不绝口。罗维特则喜欢这里的炸鸡(不是很油腻,正正好)和青菜(味道正好,没那么酸)。

7.Lovett: You see those grates go right down to the sewers and the smell comes up.看到那些排水沟了,他们直通下水道,臭味从哪里来。

8.ander: jupa divorced lovett two years later.两年后朱莉娅和莱尔·洛维特仳离了。

9.The cold winter encouraged bees to cluster together, helping them to survive through to March, Mr Lovett said.寒冬刺激着蜜蜂群居在一起,这样有助于它们一直存活到每年的三月,洛维特讲到。

10.Lovett: Trust me, dearie, it's going to take more than ale, to wash that taste out.相信我,亲爱的,就连啤酒都冲不掉那股臭味。