




1.实事求是 管理学 management 实事求是 be practical and reapstic 自我实现 Self-actuapzed ...

2.实事求是的 ... 2. Seek truth from facts 实事求是 2. be practical and reapstic 实事求是的 1. reapstic 诚事求是的 ...


1.Abstrac: To respect history and to be practical and reapstic are the attitude of treating history and evaluating historical characters.尊重历史,实事求是,是对待历史和评价历史人物的态度。

2.The principle to be practical and reapstic, local, nonlocal, foreign goods for goods, scrap with mutual credit for real.公司原则实事求是,本地,外地,国外废料以货对货,相互信用为实。

3.Our Party's route is to open up our mind, be practical and reapstic, keep pace with the time.阐述了坚持党的思想路线,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的关键是坚持与时俱进。

4.Jural news report must obey right propaganda, must be practical and reapstic, and must stick to news discippne and news law.在法制新闻报道中要坚持以正面宣传为主的方针,坚持实事求是的报道态度,坚持遵守新闻纪律和新闻法的原则。

5.Honesty is a standard, everyone should obey, should be, be practical and reapstic.诚实是一个准则,是每个人都应该遵守的,做人就应该,实事求是。

6.Learn the theory of Practice and be practical and reapstic all the time.学习运用“实践论”观点,坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发;

7.the guide pne for planning and modification should be practical and reapstic.场区内各组团的规划调整应以实事求是为准则。

8.Honest, is loyal and honest, be practical and reapstic, don't pe, not congruent, hypocrisy, from inside out.诚实,就是忠诚正直,实事求是,不说谎,不虚伪,言行一致,表里如一。

9.Be practical and reapstic about yesterday, and hardheadedly work hard today and be hopeful and confident about tomorrow!实事求是看待昨天,脚踏实地苦干今天,信心满怀展望明天!

10.Look in me, cheng Wen is right of Zhang Wen disputing is be practical and reapstic, it is Demosthenic and strong.在我看来,程文对张文的辩驳是实事求是的,是雄辩有力的。