




1.谢尔盖 货币联盟 frankfurt city 拉赫曼尼诺夫 sergey 日圆报 hhgp ...

4.俄罗斯联邦 ... Yves 比利时 Sergey 俄罗斯联邦 Grzegorz 波兰 ...

5.克罗地亚 ... Bogdan 波兰 Sergey 克罗地亚 Gina 希腊 ...

6.携带小孩子的家庭 ... 购物中心 Panorama Shopping Mall Sergey 携带小孩子的家庭 Charles 独行客人 ...

7.库塞威兹基 ... Kullak,Theodon 库拉克 Sergey 库塞威兹基 Iris 、 Gazette Musicale, 闲暇又编纂音乐百科全书,可惜未能成稿。 ...


1.Sergey Brin, one of Google's founders, has said the cyberattacks were the straw that broke the camel's back.谷歌创始人之一塞吉?布林(SergeyBrin)曾表示,网络攻击是压垮骆驼的那根稻草。

2.When Sergey and I founded Google, we hoped, but did not expect, it would reach its current size and influence.我和布林当初创建谷歌的时候,并没有预计到谷歌会达到现在这样的规模和影响。

3.Sergey was a milestone in Birmingham city, marks an industriapzed city into a service for the leading to the industriapzed city.布林是伯明翰城市改造的一座里程碑,标志着一个工业化城市转变成以服务业为龙头的非工业化城市。

4.But we almost didn't start Google, actually, because my co-founder Sergey and I were too worried about dropping out of the Ph. D. program.但是我们那时几乎启动不成谷歌,因为我和联合创始人谢尔盖都太担心拿不到博士学位。

5.But Sergey Brin, one of Google's two founders, is also right to point to the risk of an asymmetrical hysteria.但谷歌两位创始人之一的SergeyBrin,也正确地指出了这种不对称歇斯底里症的风险。

6.How their partnership was formed: Larry and Sergey met at Stanford's PhD program in 1995, but they did not instantly become friends.关系形成:拉里和谢尔盖首次相遇是在1995年斯坦福大学的博士课程上,但他们并没有立即成为朋友。

7.During the filming the producers of the series offered Sergey Poudovkin to prolong the contract for the next serial cycle.拍摄期间这个系列剧的制作人就向谢尔盖·布多夫金提出了延长合同到下个系列的拍摄。

8.But if he wins he'll have at least one guy to thank: Sergey Brin.但是如果他真赌赢了,他至少要感谢一个人,谢尔盖·布林。

9.Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday that Berezovsky's calls for a violent overthrow were sufficient grounds for extradition.俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫星期五说,别列佐夫斯基呼吁暴力推翻政府为引渡他提供了足够的理由。

10.Google's other co-founder Sergey Brin will focus on strategic projects and new products, the company said.谷歌说,公司另一位创始人谢尔盖•布林(SergeyBrin)将主抓战略项目和新产品。