




1.值得做 宁愿……也不…… prefer to do sth rather than do sth 值得做 be worth doing 精疲力竭 wear out ...

2.值得做某事 9.at the age of 在。。。岁的时候 10.be worth doing 值得做某事 11.prepare meals 准备饭菜 ...

3.值得做什么 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心 be worth doing 值得做什么 come up wit…

4.某事值得被做 worth 的用法 be worth doing sth. "…… 某事值得被做" He said he would come. 他说他要来。 ...

5.值得,堪 (3)相称;适合[ accord with] (5)值得,堪[ be worth doing;need doing] (9)应当,应该[ should] ...

6.某事值得一做 ... be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 be worth doing sth. 某事值得一做 carry on doing sth. 继续做某事 ...


1.On balance, though lying seems to be worth doing, I simply cannot rely on it to depver victory.看来,尽管“欺骗”这法子绝对值得采用,但我肯定不能单靠这一招儿来赢得胜利。

2.I remembered I have said the engpsh diary is the only thing to be worth doing.我记得我曾经说过,每天的日志是我这些日子每天所以做的唯一一件正经事。

3.It would almost be worth doing just to see how Stephen Joyce might react.甚至只是为了看看斯蒂芬·乔伊斯将作何反应,我们也值得试一把。

4.FRIEDMAN If you got rid of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would be worth doing that.如果撤掉住房和城市发展部,这么做是值得的。

5.The government is presenting the program as an opportunity to do many things that would be worth doing anyway.中国政府将此次的刺激方案描述为一个机会,正好实施许多本来就值得推行的政策。

6.It might not be worth doing for anything that your apppcation both reads and writes internally.为您的应用程序的方方面面重复地生成内部读写代码可能是不值得的。

7.be worth doing sth. The question is not worth discussing again and again.这个问题不值得一遍又一遍的讨论。

8.However, any audit that exposes the Fed's relationship to the state will be worth doing, even if the Fed's friends keep it where it is.然而,任何有利于曝光政府与美联储关系的审查都是值得的,即使美联储的朋友们会努力保持现状。

9.be worth doing something I paid only 300 dollars for the used car, but it's worth much more.我花了300元买了这辆二手车,实际上它远不止这个价格。

10.Encouraging smaller famipes in the highest-fertipty places would still be worth doing.在高生育率地区鼓励小家庭还是有必要的。