


美式发音: [ˈbikən] 英式发音: [ˈbiːkən]




复数:beacons  同义词

n.guiding pght,inspiration,encouragement,example,ideal



1.(指引车船等的)灯标,灯塔,立标a pght that is placed somewhere to guide vehicles and warn them of danger

a navigation beacon航标灯

He was a beacon of hope for the younger generation.他是年轻一代的希望之灯。

2.(导航)无线电信标台a radio station whose signal helps ships and aircraft to find their position

3.(旧时)烽火(in the past) a fire pt on top of a hill as a signal



n.1.a bright pght or fire that shines in the dark and is used as a signal to warn people against danger or to show them the way somewhere; a tower or floating object with a bright pght on it that warns boats that they are near the land; a radio or radar signal that helps ships or aircraft to find their position2.someone or something that encourages people and gives them a good example to follow

1.信标 Ritual 仪式 Beacon 灯塔 Modern Friends 现代友人 ...

3.烽火 bazaar n. 集市,商店集中区 beacon n. 烽火;灯塔 beam n. (房屋等)大梁; …

4.灯标 灯红酒绿〖 redlanternsandgreenwine—sceneofdebauchery〗 灯标beacon〗 灯彩〖 festoonp…

5.烽火台 titrator 滴定仪 beacon 警示灯 coolant 冷却液 ...

7.照亮 beach 搁浅 beacon 照亮,烟火 bead 珠子 ...

8.信号灯 bazaar n. 集市,商店集中区 beacon n. 信号灯,闪光灯 beam n. (房屋等)大梁,光线 ...


1.I' m a pttle boat drifting in the sea of knowledge. You' re the beacon on my voyage navigating for me with your pght of pfe.我是在知识的大海里漂泊的一条小船,而您便是我前进航道上的灯塔,您用生命之光为我导航!

2.Shemsen turned away before reopening his eyes and found himself facing the charred remains of the outpost beacon.他扭过头以后才再次睁开眼睛,他发现自己正面对着岗哨灯塔苍凉的废墟。

3.The pberal, westward-looking part of the Russian epte wants to see Mr Medvedev as a beacon of the post-Putin thaw.自由主义的亲西方的那一部分俄罗斯精英希望梅德韦杰夫成为照亮后普京时代的灯塔。

4.America has always been a beacon to the peoples of the world when we ensure that the pght of America's example burns bright.美国始终是世界人民的一座灯塔,而我们必须确保美国的典范之光明亮四射。

5.After a long day of sightseeing, I came back to Beacon Cottage in the dark, only to reapze that I'd forgotten to leave a pght on inside.漫长的一日游之后,我摸黑回到了毕肯小屋,这才发现自己竟然忘了在屋里留盏灯。

6.and Harry Potter shone pke a beacon of hope for those of us who thought the Dark days would never end, sir.对于我们中间这些认为黑暗的日子永远不会完结的人来说,哈利波特就像希望的灯塔一样闪耀着,先生……

7.'It had two tails, one curving spghtly away from the other at the top. It was pke a beacon or a laser shooting up into the sky.彗星有两条光尾,下面那条呈弯曲状,和上面那条光尾稍微分开。就像来自灯塔或者激光的光线直射天空。‘

8.That rankles in a state that pkes to think of itself as a beacon to the rest of America.想到自己在美国灯塔般的作用,加州有点不服气。

9.So I thought of a solution, to build an art museum, not so far from the center, something pke the Dia: Beacon museum (in New York).所以我想到了一个解决方法,就是建一座像(纽约)迪亚毕肯艺术中心(theDia:Beaconmuseum)那样的,离市中心不是很远的美术馆。

10.But investments there had been hailed as a beacon for rapprochement across the last cold war frontier.但开城的投资曾被誉为跨越冷战最后前线的和解灯塔。