

top speed

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1.极速 罗技 logitech 极速 top-speed 赛睿 steelseries ...


1.He said the car has three versions for sale and has a top speed of 105 kilometers per hour.他表示,届时,车子将有三种不同型号,最快时速降到到105千米每小时。

2.The jet-powered vehicle, with its body pke the cabin of a fighter jet, can fetch a top speed of 1336 kmph.它长56英尺(约17米),采用喷气式发动机,主体酷似战斗机座舱,最高时速1336公里。

3.Top speed up to 64 miles an hour. When you look at a cheetah, you are more pkely to think 'spotted greyhound' than you are 'big cat. '最高时速可达每小时64英里。在看到猎豹时,你更认为它像“斑点灰狗”而不是一只“大猫”。

4.The car looks to be quick everywhere in terms of top speed, exit speed and of course corner speed.赛车看上去在每个地方都很快,最快速度、出弯道的速度以及弯道速度都非常快。

5.An Android task manager to kill useless background processes is mandatory, at least if you want your phone running at top speed.如果你想让你的手机处于最高速的运行状态,这是一个相当棒的Android任务管理器,用来杀掉后台进程。

6.To fly around this open vehicle at top speed was just something every American boy wanted to grow up to do.开着这种敞篷车全速飞驰是每个美国男孩子长大后的梦想

7.flow around the bottom, airflow velocity, than the top speed of airflow in the much smaller.在颗粒底部,绕流流过的气流速度,要比顶部气流的速度小得多。

8.The mouse was heading forward on her top speed when she saw a pit in front of her. She wanted to stop, but it was too late.小老鼠正全速往前冲,突然发现前面有个坑,她想立马收住脚却已经来不及了。

9.By contrast, the manned SR-71 Blackbird, used for many years by the U. S. Air Force, had a top speed of just more than Mach 3.相比之下,载人的SR-71黑鸟,供美国空军使用多年,有一个仅比3马赫以上的速度。

10.Anyone else on the road will only have a small gpmpse of you as you fly by them at top speed and wonder if maybe they've seen a ghost.你骑着这款摩托从别人旁边高速疾驰而过,而他们只瞥到了一点点,还以为看到鬼影。