



美式发音: [bik] 英式发音: [biːk]



复数:beaks  同义词




n.1.the hard curved or pointed part of a birds moutstrong.a long pointed nose

1.鸟嘴 ... Animal Messengers 动物传讯者 Beaks 鸟嘴 Bikes 脚踏车 ...

2.喙 ... 楼梯踏步板( Stair stepping plate) 鸡嘴Beaks) 开槽( Slotted) ...

4.鹰嘴 ... 铁元宝 Rock Ingots8 G A1 K7 P$ J- T2 E/ o! q 鹰嘴 Beaks 马蹄 Hoofs ...

5.壳顶壳稍呈三角形或圆形,外观膨胀或凸形,前后不等,壳顶(Beaks)高位。壳上有不明显的瘤状雕刻,后脊(Posteriorridge)发达, …


1.2 week old musk babies, wings out ready to fly! more green tinges , black eyes and beaks.2周大了,展翅打算高飞!多了许多绿色的羽根,黑色的眼睛和小小嘴巴。

2.Even the ducks and hens toiled to and fro all day in the sun, carrying tiny wisps of hay in their beaks.就连鸭子和鸡也整天在太阳下面忙碌的来回跑着,每次都用他们的嘴衔一点点牧草。

3.Do not eat jellyfish. Or fish that have spikes. Or fish that have parrot pke beaks. Of that puff up pke balloons.不要吃水母、有刺的鱼、像鹦鹉那样有钩形嘴的鱼,否则你的嘴会肿的像气球一样。

4.You've probably noticed that they have big pouches at the bottom of their beaks. The pouch acts pke a scoop.你大概已经注意到了它们的喙下面那个大大的喉囊,它的作用就像一把大勺子。

5.For chicks who spend a few days at the shelter, Dr. Chi's routine tasks are to weigh them and measure their beaks and body lengths.雏鸟在急救站暂时住几天,祁医师每天的例行工作就是为他量体重、嘴长、脚长等。

6.They are often decorated with small fluffy chickens, made of wool, and with feet and beaks in card.上面装饰有毛绒绒的羊毛做的小鸡,小鸡的嘴和脚都粘在卡片上。

7.Used to lay out body plans, build beaks and alter fish jaws, BMP4 illustrates perfectly one of the major recurring themes of evo-demo.BMP4被用于规划身体的结构,生成喙和改变鱼的下颚,它对进化发育生物学的一个重大课题作出了很好的解释。

8.Dolphins first trap small fish in large conch shells with their rostrums (beaks). They then bring the shells to the surface and shake them.海豚先用它们的吻突将小鱼赶到大海螺壳中,然后将螺壳带出水面并晃动。

9.Their keen eyesight, sharp beaks, and long, physically powerful talons are characteristic traits of these majestic and beneficial birds.锐利的眼力,尖锐的鸟喙及长而有力的爪子是这些大鸟的特征,而牠们也是益鸟。

10.The next presidential election is not until 2014, but already three big beaks are squabbpng over who should be the candidate.下届总统大选在2014年,但三只巨嘴鸟已经在争吵应该由谁出线担任候选人。