




1.比尔t Pennine Moors)和大片煤田(主要是砂岩和页岩)分布于大曼彻斯特西部。郡内河流有默西河、泰姆河、道格拉斯河(Dougla…

4.法国 LEKI( 德国) Beal法国) Desheng( 德盛) ...

5.比尔诺曼底 Bays 贝斯 Beal 比尔诺曼底 Begg 贝格 ...

6.法国登山绳品牌 SinTeryx―― 龙鸟 BEAL―― 法国登山绳品牌 SCALER ―― 思凯乐 ...

7.金绿宝石 尖晶石 MgAl 金绿宝石 BeAl 金红石 TiO ...

8.埃迪 ... 快美特 CARLAS 埃迪 BEAL 优客 Type ...


1."We do not know who their manufacturer from China was, " Mr. Beal said.我们不知道他们是从中国哪个的制造商进货。

2.Daniel Beal, co-author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at Rice University, said the sports car started to lose its sheen.莱斯大学心理学助理教授及此项研究的合作者丹尼尔。比尔说道“跑车开始失去它的光彩”。

3.Ipana and Michael Beal enrolled their daughter, Sophia, in Spanish classes at the age of 2.伊利亚娜和迈克尔·比尔夫妇(IpanaandMichaelBeal)在女儿索菲娅(Sophia)2岁时为她报名上西班牙语课。

4.Daniel Beal, co-author of the study, said the sports car started to lose its sheen.这份研究报告共同执笔人丹尼尔.毕尔说,跑车要失去它的光彩了。

5.Though Freecycle has an environmental slant, people are using the site to ask for basic necessities such as food and clothing, Beal said.Beal称,尽管FreecycleNetwork是一个侧重环保的组织,但有很多会员利用这里获得衣服和食物等基本生活用品。

6.Without further evidence, Beal told her, there was nothing he could do.Beal说没有进一步证据,他无能为力。

7.Banking bilponaire Andrew Beal fixed used TV sets and sold them door-to-door to poor famipes.银行业百万富翁安德鲁·比尔修理二手电视,然后挨家挨户推销给贫穷家庭。

8.As Andy Beal describes it, this is basically "multi-variate testing for your banner ads. "正如AndyBeal所言,这是一种“针对banner广告的多变量测试”。

9.Besides two children with his partner, Emma Beal, he has three other children by two ex-girlfriends.利文斯通与“亲密伙伴”埃玛生了2个孩子,此外还和两位前女友生了3个孩子。

10.In 1879, Dr. Beal buried 20 bottles each containing sandy soil and a mixture of seeds from 21 different species.早在1879年,Beal博士将沙土、和21种不同植物的种子的混合物装在20个瓶子里。