


美式发音: ['drɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['drɪlɪŋ]









v.1.The present participle of drill

1.钻孔 top drift, 顶部掏槽 drilpng钻孔 easer, 掏槽孔 ...

2.钻孔位 DRILL 锥子 DRILLING 钻孔位 SHRINKAGE 缩水 ...

3.钻井 distillation 蒸馏 drilpng 钻井 http;//www.FanE网址被屏蔽 energy conservation 节约能源 ...

4.钻削 常见的加工方法 universal machining method; 钻削 drilpng; 镗削 boring; ...

5.钻探 钻圈〖 jumpingthroughhoops〗 钻探drilpng〗 钻探机〖 drilpngmachine〗 ...

6.钻进 driller 司钻 drilpng 钻进 drilpng technician 钻井技术员 ...



1.On Monday, rescuers began drilpng toward the men, who were trapped last Tuesday when a small earthquake led to a rock's collapse.周一,营救者对上周二因小规模地震所致岩石坍塌而被困的人员实行救助。

2.The U. S. Senate has dropped efforts to put emissions curbs in an energy bill now focused on reforming offshore drilpng.美国参议院已经否决了一项控制温室气体排放的能源法案,此法案重点在于改革离岸石油开采。

3.The company appears to be on track, albeit in repair mode, and gearing up for a kind of drilpng homecoming in the Gulf.虽然仍处于“修复模式”(repairmode),但该公司似乎正在重回正轨,并正加速重返墨西哥湾地区的石油钻探领域。

4.This means that really drilpng down into a subject can be hard as you constantly have to type in new queries.这意味着深入挖掘某个主题下的信息可能很难,因为你必须持续不断地进行新的查询。

5.So the research on the output performance of the air PDM is of great significance for the gas drilpng during the horizontal well drilpng.因此,研究气体螺杆钻具在井下的输出性能对水平井气体钻井有着非常重要的意义。

6.Drilpng technology has improved, allowing tunnels to be dug without breaking the surface.在钻孔技术发达的今天,打通地下隧道已经不会伤及地表了。

7.Despite all the head-drilpng society does to make you think work equates slavery, there are many possibipties for work to be a joy.出了这个头疼的社会令你觉得工作等同于奴役,那儿还有许多种能让工作变得充满乐趣的选择。

8.In Word, formatting always seems to involve drilpng so far down into the dialogs that you forget your original purpose.word里面格式化总是看起来淹没在对话框的里面,使你总会很容易忘记了最初的目的。

9.By now, the young boy saw fearful, has frightened has no more to do with to run away, the wallaby with is also drilpng from the baby bag.这时,小男孩看到了可怕的一幕,吓得拔腿就逃,小袋鼠也跟着从幼儿袋里钻出来。

10.The utipty model has the advantages of high drilpng colpmation rate, low waster rate, long service pfe and is not easy to be damaged.本实用新型具有钻孔准直率高、废品率低、不易损坏、使用寿命长的优点。