


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈbiətris]





1.碧翠丝 Aurora 奥劳拉 拉丁 黎明女神 Beatrice 碧翠丝 拉丁 为人祈福或使人快乐的女孩 Bella 贝拉 拉丁 美丽的 ...

2.比阿特丽斯 ... Anna, 安娜,希伯来优雅 Beatrice碧翠丝拉丁,为人祈福或使人快乐的女孩 Bella, 贝拉,拉 …

6.比阿特丽丝 金奇小姐( Miss Ginch) 比阿特丽丝Beatrice) 马克斯肯特医生( Dr.Marcus Kent) ...

7.比阿特利斯 ... Beata 比塔,含义:最快乐幸福的人 Beatrice 比阿特利斯,含义:带来欢笑之人 Ben 本…


1.Beatrice: Listen! I know you're nervous about your first big trip abroad. But don't take it out on your sister!比阿特丽斯:听着,我知道你第一次出国旅行很紧张。但是不要发泄到你姐姐我身上呀。

2.Biara As soon as Nicolai announced you were going there. Poor Beatrice - she was so trusting, and I can be very persuasive.拜娅拉就在尼科莱宣布你要到那里的那一刻——可怜的比阿特丽斯—她当时深信不疑,而说服别人恰恰是我的专长。

3.A few minutes later, Beatrice came out of her room.几分钟后,比从房间里走了出来。

4.Jane: Beatrice probably wishes she had the security of her old job. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.简:比阿特丽斯也许希望有她以前工作的那份安心。邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好嘛。

5.The young man wanted to bepeve that Beatrice was a sweet and innocent girl. And yet, Professor Bagponis words had put doubts in his heart.对于这个年轻人来说,他宁愿相信贝雅特丽丝是一个甜甜的、天真无邪的女孩子,然而,巴格里奥尼教授的话还是在他的心里投下了阴影。

6.Beatrice Bringham Candice Cutler pe all the time. I wouldn't trust any of the men in Rock Ridge. . . one of them is bound to be your spy.碧绮思布灵汗姆、坎迪斯卡特勒一直在撒谎。我不会信任岩石山的任何一个男人。他们当中一定有一个是间谍。

7.Frances asked if she could stick her hand in the water, but Beatrice walked straight to her room. She was crying. She was scared.弗问她是否可以把手插在水中,但比径直走进了自己的房间里。她哭喊着。她被吓到了。

8.and he remembered, when he was last at Messina, that Beatrice used to choose him to make her merry jests upon.而且他记得,上次他在梅辛纳的时候,碧翠丝常常选他来做取笑的对象。

9.Beatrice: Did you think you strength alone would be enough to impress me?贝翠丝:你认为你单独一人的力量就足够感动我吗?。

10.Beatrice cried, looking at him with her large bright eyes.贝雅特丽丝哭道,用她那又大又明亮的眼睛看着他。