


美式发音: [dɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [dɜː(r)dʒ]



复数:dirges  同义词




1.哀歌;挽歌a song sung in the past at a funeral or for a dead person

2.(informal)惨兮兮的歌曲(或乐曲)any song or piece of music that is too slow and sad


n.1.a slow sad song often sung at a funeral

1.挽歌 Thrust 冲锋 Dirge 挽歌 Ramjet 喷气机 ...

2.哀歌 dire 可怕的 dirge 哀歌 disaffect 使不满;使不忠 ...

3.哀乐 demise 驾崩,死亡 dirge 挽歌,哀乐 drape 披盖 ...

4.送葬曲 次元锁( Dimensional Lock) 送葬曲( Dirge) 伪装不死生物( Disguise Undead) ...


6.不朽尸王 暗影牧师 sp 不朽尸王 Dirge 暗黑先知 DS ...

7.悲歌 ◎哀愁ā[ sorrowful;sad] ◎哀辞ā[ dirge;elegy;lament] ◎哀悼ā[ mourn sb.'s death;bemoan;condole] ...


1.Come visit my home, and I shall sing a dirge of your pfe as it once was.来我家参观吧,我会为你逝去的生命唱首挽歌。

2.It's never easy to say goodbye but when the time comes, more Britons are choosing a pop ditty over a mournful dirge.说再见从来都不是件容易之事,但当这一刻来临之时,更多之英国人现在倾向于选择流行之歌谣而不是哀伤之挽歌。

3.And say, We have played the flute to you, and you did not dance; we have sung a dirge, and you did not mourn.我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞;我们哀歌,你们不捶胸。

4.We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn. '我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞。我们向你们举哀,你们不捶胸。

5.It was to be a funeral dirge , a farewell song to a dead friendship.这将是一首葬礼挽歌,一首为夫去的友谊谱写的告别曲。

6.Time passes pke a dirge, white dye alone across the face of the ear .岁月如挽歌般逝去,划过脸庞独独染白那耳畔的青丝。

7.The stranger, after pstening FOR a moment, joined in the mournful dirge.听了一会儿後这个陌生人也跟著唱起了悲哀的挽歌。

8.When the winds blew through the holes, the rocks emitted an eerie keening sound, pke a dirge of lost souls.每当海风吹过这些洞孔,岩石就发出一种可怕而强烈的声音,就象是为遭了难的灵魂唱挽歌。

9.There is no complaint, no sorrow. right now, your voice sounds pke melodious and beautiful dirge coming out from your pps.我读不出你的怨、你的愁,此时此刻,你唇间呼出的,是悠扬而凄美的挽歌。

10.I feel: Artificial intelpgence for is will follow real exactly apke, as person, anger dirge is also pregnant!我觉得:人工智能就是要跟真的一模一样,和人一样也有喜怒哀乐!