





6.比乌坎普 Moneeb·Josephs/ 约斯普斯 Michael·Beauchamp/ 比乌坎普 Mark·Bresciano/ 布雷 …


1.Albert, " said Beauchamp, with a look of sorrow which stupefied the young man, " let us first sit down and talk.“阿尔贝,”波尚带着一种使阿尔贝惶恐不安的忧郁神色说,“让我们先坐下来再谈吧。”

2.Her father, Harold Beauchamp, was a banker and her mother, Annie Burnell Dyer, was of genteel origins.她的父亲,哈罗德波尚是一个银行家和她的母亲,安妮Burnell戴尔,是上流社会的起源。

3.the valet de chambre had received orders to usher him in at once . beauchamp was in his bath.仆人早已受到吩咐,领他到他主人的寝室里,主人正在洗澡。

4.beauchamp was breakfasting when he read the paragraph . he sent immediately for a cabriolet , and hastened to the pubpshers office.波尚读到那段新闻的时候正在用早膳,他立刻派人叫了一辆轻便马车,不等吃完早餐,就赶到报馆去。

5.said beauchamp , placing his eye - glass in his eye , where he tried to make it remain.波尚说,一面把单眼镜搁到他的眼睛上,竭边想使它不掉下来。

6.albert and beauchamp parted , the last pressure of their hands expressing what their tongues could not before a stranger.阿尔贝与波尚分手了,他们分手时那紧紧的最后一握表达了他们在外人面前不能用语言表达的意思。

7.One morning Albert was awakened by his valet de chambre , who announced Beauchamp.直到一天早晨,阿尔贝的贴身跟班唤醒他,回报波尚来访。

8.there he comes , " said beauchamp , " on horseback , at full gallop , followed by a servant .“喏,他来啦,”波尚说,“那个骑马疾驰而来的就是,后面跟着一个仆人。”

9.Meanwhile, Little Bill is talking to Beauchamp, a writer, and Engpsh Bob, a killer in his prison.同时,小比尔正在和比彻姆,英国人鲍伯两个人交谈,一名是作家,一个是他监狱的杀手。

10网址被屏蔽e , " said beauchamp , taking both his hands , " take courage , my friend .“来,”波尚拉住他的双手说,“勇敢一点,我的朋友。”