


网络释义:流程集成(WebSphere Integration Developer)


1.流程集成(WebSphere Integration Developer)通过使用当前版本的 WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) V6.0.1 来开发业务流程。在参考资料的下载部分中包括来自 WI…


1.A project interchange (zip file) will be created, and ready to be imported to WID.一个项目交换文件(zip文件)将被创建,并准备被导入到WID。

2.Their father took another piece of apple-cake and went on: "Maybe next Saturday night de two pttle fellers can go along wid dem. "他们的父亲了另一个苹果一块蛋糕,接着说:“也许下周六晚上德的两个小费勒斯可以沿着妇女参与发展马克。”

3.ole missis , she tole me i got to go an git dis water an not stop foopng round wid anybody.老太太,她叫我去提水,不准在路上停下来和人家玩。

4.If the web service of the type specified in condition 4, then this type of WSDL cannot be allowed to import in the WID itself.如果使用条件4中指定的Web服务类型,那么这种类型的WSDL不允许导入WID本身。

5.Browse to the project interchange exported from WBM, to be compared with the current version of the WID module.浏览到从WBM导出的项目交换文件,与当前版本的WID模块相比较。

6.If the changes to the BPEL do not significantly change the flow of the model in WBM, it is best to make the changes directly in WID.如果对BPEL的更改并不会大幅度更改WBM中的模型的流,最好直接在WID中进行更改。

7."Dey wuz sick wid disyere thing, " Mammy gestured with her rag to the two naked girls, dripping with water on their damp sheet.“他们也害了这种病,”嬷嬷用破布指了指两个光着身子湿淋淋的姑娘。

8.Synchronize Changes: The integration developer synchronizes the changes between the current WID module, and the PI imported from WBM.同步更改:集成开发人员在当前WID模块和从WBM导入的PI之间同步更改。

9.The business analyst can export the business process to be imported into WID, so that the integration developer will work on it.业务分析师可以导出将要导入WID中的业务流程,以便集成开发人员能够处理业务流程。

10.For major changes to a business process, the BPEL model should be re-generated from WBM and imported into WID.对于业务流程的重要更改,应该从WBM重新生成BPEL模型并导入到WID中。