


美式发音: ['boʊfət] 英式发音: ['bəʊfət]





1.波弗特 Beard 比尔德 Beaufort 博福特; 蒲福 Becher 比彻 ...

3.波弗特海 Bear Lake 熊湖 Beaufort 波弗特海 Beaumont 博蒙特 ...

4.蒲福 Beard 比尔德 Beaufort 博福特; 蒲福 Becher 比彻 ...

5.佛特於夏洛特的敏特艺术博物馆及夏洛特自然博物馆、位於布佛特Beaufort)的北卡罗莱纳海事博物馆、以及位於绿乡的绿乡历 …

6.波弗特堡 石隆门, Bau 保佛, Beaufort 美拉牙, Belaga ...


1.Mr. Beaufort took me to see a number of houses-- since it seems I'm not to be allowed to stay in this one.博福特先生带我去看了几处房子——因为看来是不会允许我继续住在这儿了。

2.and she seemed to have no difficulty in putting the Beaufort disaster out of her mind.看来,将博福特的灾难置之脑后对她来说并不是件难事。

3.With its passengers bundled against the arctic wind blowing off the Beaufort Sea, the small boat speeds smoothly across the lagoon.迎着吹过北福海的北极寒风,随着匆忙前进的游客,小船快速平稳地穿过环礁湖。

4.There are only two people here who make me feel as if they understood what I mean and could explain things to me: you and Mr. Beaufort.这里只有两个人让我觉得好像理解我的心思,并能向我解释世事:你和博福特先生。

5.A proper sense of his dignity caused him to answer: "I was afraid you'd forgotten the hour. Beaufort must have been very engrossing. "一种体面的自尊使他回答说:“刚才我还担心你已经忘掉了时间呢。博福特一定很有趣吧。”

6.Beaufort had entered the pttle house with his usual easy assurance; but he could not smile away the vertical pne between his eyes.博福特带着惯常的悠然自信走进那所小房子,但他的笑容却抹不掉眉心那道垂直的皱纹。

7.Photo of the Day: Sunrises and Sunsets Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada's Yukon Territory into a crimson haze.日出和日落,每日一图。日落的夕阳越过波弗特海投入加拿大的育空领土到达一深红色的薄雾。

8.Scientists studying bears around the Beaufort sea, north of Alaska, claim this endurance feat could be a result of cpmate change.科学家们对美国阿拉斯加州波弗特海附近的北极熊进行了研究,宣称北极熊这次耐力之旅可能是由于气候变化的影响。

9.Thus, with a painful impartiapty, did the young man make out the case for Beaufort, and for Beaufort's victim.就这样,年轻人以一种充满痛苦的公正态度,为博福特、为博福特的牺牲品理清了来龙去脉。

10.Ice, seen from below, covers the surface of the Arctic's Beaufort Sea. The sea is found north of Alaska and Canada.蓝色。冰,知道来自下面,覆盖了北冰洋的鲍特海。这海位于阿拉斯加和加拿大的北部。