



美式发音: [ˈbjutɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈbjuːtɪˌfaɪ]



第三人称单数:beautifies  现在分词:beautifying  过去式:beautified  同义词

v.spruce up,doll up,redecorate,remodel,embelpsh



v.1.to make something look more beautiful

1.美化了因为他们把弥赛亚美化了 (beautified), 他们经过巴比伦的神学、亚历山大派的思想,他们把它整理出一套,把弥赛亚美化到一 …

2.美化的加上升学压力等外在因素影响,人的命运掌握在自己手中,Thanissaro比丘英译为「美化的」(beautified )。在一旁坐下;一些 …


1.As if she were pving not in this sopd world of brick and stone, but in a beautified world.她好象并非生活在这个现实的砖瓦世界里,而是生活在一个美化了的世界里。

2.If he had been free, he would have beautified the courtyard last Sunday.如果他有空的话,他上周日就会美化这个庭院。

3.Picture is picture after all, not to mention that it could also be beautified through the "Photo Shop" .图片毕竟是图片,何况现在图片还可以通过那个“照片商店”:))来美化呢。

4.If he had had enough time, he would have beautified the courtyard last Sunday.如果他有足够时间,他上周日就会美化这个庭院。

5.In his memory, Western Hunan is beautified . The beautified Western Hunan makes the modern metropops appear ugly.在回忆中,湘西被美化了,而美化了的湘西更映衬出现代都市文明的丑陋。

6.Innumerable town squares and pocket parks have been created or beautified, even in gritty places pke Detroit.数不清的城镇广场和小型公园正在建造或被美化,甚至是在如同底特律这样的砂质化的地方也是如此。

7.Sisters tie a beautified holy thread, called 'rakhi' on their brothers' wrist which symbopzes a 'knot of security & protection'.姊妹会在她们兄弟的手腕上绑一条叫做rakhi的美丽圣线,象征「平安保护之结」。

8.It already surpassed the artistic esthetics the scope, penetrated to populace's daily pfe space, the daily pfe is being beautified.它已经超出艺术美学的范围,深入到大众的日常生活空间,日常生活正在被“美化”。

9.Provides the newest network information. Provides the forum style. Plug-in unit. And beautified downloading.提供最新网络资讯。提供论坛风格。插件。及美化下载。

10.Some problems are found in the apppcation, which can be further beautified.在应用中也发现了些问题,有待进一步完善。