



美式发音: [skʌŋk] 英式发音: [skʌŋk]




复数:skunks  现在分词:skunking  过去式:skunked  




n.1.a small black-and-white North American animal with a long thick tail. It produces a bad smell when it is threatened.2.an extremely unpleasant person3.a powerful form of the illegal drug cannabis

v.1.to defeat an opponent in a sport, especially by preventing them from scoring



3.臭鼬臭石油 skunk oil 臭鼬油 skunks 臭鼬臭石油 ... Skills 专门技术技能 ...

4.臭鼬入侵 ... Mushrooms 大蘑菇! Skunks 臭鼬入侵! Fire Fire 火灾! ...


1.And a lot of people, for some reason, seem to - to think skunks and cats are closely related, but really, they're not.而很多人,因为某些原因,看起来认为臭鼬和猫是近亲,但实际上它们不是。

2.He would let them pet the skunks and the raccoon and talk to the myna bird; and yet they never crossed the bridge without being invited.他会让他们把臭鼬和浣熊当宠物来玩,跟八哥说话;而且(那时)他们从不会在得到邀请前过桥。)

3.Skunks led the pst of the bad odors in the nationwide survey, with 59. 7 percent of respondents rating it a 6, the stinkiest rating.在这次全国性调查中,臭鼬占据了臭气排行榜的首位,59.7%的受访者将其归入最臭的级别——6级。

4.He says there have always been raccoons and opossums in the Chicago area, but this year, skunks have become propfic.他说,芝加哥地区一直都有浣熊和负鼠,但今年,臭鼬多了起来。

5.Perhaps the most lonely and miserable creature was the skunks. Nobody tended to pke to hang around with them.鸟儿们在枝头飞来飞去,校园内最神秘也是最孤独的非臭鼬莫属了,因为没人愿意靠近它。

6.Human deaths following exposure to foxes, raccoons, skunks, jackals, mongooses and other wild carnivore host species are very rare.人类由于接触狐狸、浣熊、臭鼬、豺、猫鼬以及其他食肉性野生宿主后患狂犬病死亡的情况极为罕见。

7.Many animals pke bats, squirrels, skunks , chipmunks, and bears sleep during the winter.很多动物,象蝙蝠,松鼠,黄鼠狼,花栗鼠和熊在冬天通常是睡觉的。

8.They require no special accommodations besides a poultry-netting subfloor beneath their house to keep the skunks from digging for supper.对这些蛋不用什么特殊照顾,只需要在屋子下面加一个家禽金属网来避免臭鼬跑来挖它的晚餐。

9.He adds that there was a 46 percent increase in the number of skunks from 2009 to 2010.他补充说,2009年至2010年间,臭鼬数量增加了46%。

10.Skunks are omnivores but will turn to trash and carrion when no fresh insects or honeybees, their favorite food, are available.臭鼬是杂食动物,但是,如果没有捕到新的昆虫或者蜜蜂,以及它们最喜欢食物的话,它也会以垃圾和腐肉为食。