


美式发音: ['bekɪ] 英式发音: ['bekɪ]





1.贝基 Becher 比彻 Becky 贝基 Beerbohm 比尔博姆 ...

2.贝琪 Nicky 尼基 30. Becky 蓓琪 145. Hilda 希尔达 260. ...

5.贝奇 Ruby 茹比 (珍珠) Becky 贝琦 Lisa 丽萨 ...

7.贝绮全球招聘各系主任,目前已有5位外籍系主任任职,如果贝绮Becky) 应聘成功,将成为该院的第6位外籍系主任。聘任外 …

8.李璧琦艺员李璧琦Becky)在剧集《女警爱作战》中玩制服诱惑,演白衣天使,惜感情受骗,终日以泪洗面。Becky试过连续个多星 …


1.As they got down the stairs Becky and her parents were pleased to see that there were lots of presents under the tree for them.来到楼下,贝基和爸爸妈妈看到圣诞树下有那么多给他们的礼物,他们高兴极了。

2.How long afterward it was that Becky came to a slow consciousness that she was crying in Tom's arms, neither could tell.57也不知过了多久,贝基才慢慢意识到她趴在汤姆怀里哭。

3.The doctor put him on a ventilator and told Becky that he might die.医生为他装上了呼吸机,还跟贝基说他很可能会死掉。

4.You should have seen Peter when Becky turned up in her short skirt. His eyes were popping out of his head.贝基穿着短裙出现时,你应该看看皮特,他的眼珠都快跳出来了。

5.With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to the barns where Brian, one of our cowhands, was saddpng up to check heifers in the North pasture.看到贝基安全地回到了我的怀抱,我赶紧向牲口棚跑去。我们的牧牛工布赖恩正要备马去北方牧场查看小母牛。

6.Why, Becky, you handle the chopsticks almost as if you were Chinese!哟!贝基,你用起筷子来几乎像样个中国人。

7.I emailed the recruiter, Becky, and the next day heard back from her.我给那位招聘人员Becky发了邮件,并在第二天就收到了她的回复。

8.STANLEY: Becky, I've just made a big decision. I'm going to travel around the world and I'd pke you to come with me.斯坦利:贝琪,我刚做了一个重大决定。我要去环球旅行,而且希望你跟我一块儿去。

9.Becky was getting ready to wrap Christmas presents when a Marine officer called with the news.一名海军陆战队军官打电话告知他们这个噩耗,当时贝基正准备包装圣诞礼物。

10."All right, honey, " I said. By the time I tried to follow her, Becky had already disappeared into the mesquite.“好吧,宝贝。”我说。还来不及跟上她呢,贝基就已经消失在豆科灌木丛中了。