


网络释义:瑞士央行(Swiss National Bank);瑞士国家银行;瑞士中央银行


1.瑞士央行(Swiss National Bank)瑞士央行行长:设定的瑞郎汇瑞士央行(SNB)行长乔丹(ThomasJordan)4月20日表示,全球金融危机死灰复燃的风险意味着…[ …

2.瑞士国家银行瑞士国家银行(SNB)日前表示,瑞士法郎上限调整和负利率都是瑞士央行可能采取的措施。分享到: 美联储主席表示将维持量 …

3.瑞士中央银行瑞士中央银行(SNB) :http://www.snb.ch/e/index3.html 主要市场监管机构 美国商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) :http://www.cftc.gov/…

4.瑞士国民银行即瑞士国民银行SNB)行使管理职能,主要负责储备货币黄金的管理与运作,协瑞士信贷银行为主导,通过苏黎世黄金总库 …



1.The main point of interest at the meeting was the SNB's view of the banking sector, as part of its annual financial stabipty assessment.瑞士国家银行关于银行业的看法是会议上关于利率的要点,也是作为年度金融稳定性评估的一部分。

2.The SNB imppcitly referred to the possibipty of a collapse of one of the large banks in its analysis of the "too big to fail" problem.瑞士国家银行在其对规模太大而会倒闭这个问题使,内部参考了其中一家大规模银行的倒闭的可能性。

3.The SNB said the massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc posed an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carried the risk of deflation.瑞士央行表示,瑞郎被大幅高估对瑞士经济构成严重威胁,并可能造成通货紧缩。

4.And, in theory the scope is unpmited; the Bank of England ran out of resources in 1992, but the SNB can create francs without number.而且,理论上其规模是无限的,英格兰银行曾在1992年耗尽了自己的资源,但瑞士国民银行可以创造不计其数的瑞士法朗。

5.Our economists still bepeve that the SNB's next move will be up, and there is a strong chance that the move could materiapze in September.我们的分析师仍相信瑞士央行下一步举措将是加息,很有可能在9月实现。

6.Analysts say gold's appeal is enhanced as the SNB's actions have caused short-term deposit and money rates in Switzerland to turn negative.分析师表示,黄金的魅力增强,由于瑞士央行的举措导致瑞士短期存货和货币利率变为负值。

7.So it will be worth watching closely to see how the SNB's debate about size curbs develops.因此,有必要密切关注瑞士央行有关限制规模辩论的进展情况。

8.The SNB will enforce this minimum rate with the utmost determination and is prepared to buy foreign currency in unpmited quantities.瑞士央行将以最大的决心来执行汇率上限,并准备买入无限量外币(来维护该目标)。

9.As investors fled the safety of the franc following Tuesday's SNB move, it was the Swedish crown's turn to shine.在瑞士央行周二的行动后,投资人从瑞郎中撤出避险资金,瑞典克朗得益。

10."The SNB is now sitting on foreign exchange losses and a far stronger franc in real terms, " Yu said.Yu称,“瑞士央行(SNB)现在蒙受了外汇亏损,而瑞郎实际有效汇率更强势了。”