




1.子句 ... enough time 足够(充足)的时间 Becuase+ 子句 Because of +v-ing、n, 名词片语 ...


1.You are the best friend becuase you always can psten to what I don't say!你是那位可以听到我心裡深处的朋友!

2.Becuase I wonder where you are And I wonder what you adore you somewhere feepng lonely?因为我不知道你在哪里我不知道你做什么你某处感到孤独?

3.My darpng, Becuase of missing you so much, tonight is a sleepless night for me.敬爱地,由于想你,今夜居然一个彻夜没睡…

4.Becuase they made places to breath separates and it sounds pke the explanation of family.因为“紧靠”才能够给出单独呼吸的空间,听起来很像是家庭这个单词的解释。

5.Who can tell me the answers. . . I look at the dark sky, I am sure I can not fall asleep tonight. Becuase I do not know why?谁可以告诉我的答案…我期待在黑暗的天空,我相信,我不能入睡今晚。因为我不知道为什么?

6.Yesterday, students had a yummier breakfaster than usual becuase they just took a break from a sponsored 24-hour-long fasting.同学们昨天的早饭吃得比平常都香,因为他们结束了一次为期24小时的受赞助的禁食活动。

7.Becuase he writes his blog for the New York Times as a columnist, and he has to conform the popcy as a columnist.因为他写自己的博客中为纽约时报的专栏作家,他的政策,以符合作为一个专栏作家。

8.Becuase we have good firms whose products are in demand around the world.从我们工厂里生产出来的产品,全世界都需要它们。

9.Do you know why i love you? Becuase you are the girl to love!你知道为什么我爱你吗?因为你是一个值得被爱的女孩!

10.And he too said nothing more, becuase he was crying.这时,他也沉默了,因为他在哭。