




1.索兰托日至2010年7月1日期间生产的部分进口2010款新索兰托(SORENTO)轿车,涉及数量7231辆;2009年9月4日至2010年6月25 …

7.老索兰托 狮跑/ SPORTAGE 老索兰托/ SORENTO 新千里马/ RIO ...


1.Finally, we pile into a silver Kia Sorento and head into Daechi-dong, one of Seoul's busiest hagwon districts.最后,我们桩成一个银色起亚索兰托和头部到大峙洞首尔最繁忙的hagwon地区之一。

2.The Portico will be more along the pnes of a tall wagon than true as SUV, and will be taller than the company's Kia Sorento SUV.门廊将更加大致一个高大旅行车不是真正的越野车,将身高超过该公司的起亚索兰托SUV的。

3.They? were accused of steapng crucial information on the Sorento and a new model that will be launched in December.他们被指控盗窃了索兰托以及一款将于12月推出的新车型的关键信息。

4.Ahead of its Seoul Auto Show reveal, Kia has released more photos and new details on its 2010 Sorento crossover.领先汉城车展上透露,起亚发布了新的更多的照片和详细说明其2010年索兰托交叉。

5.Ford's Mustang and Kia Motor Co. 's (000270. SE) Sorento were among six new models added to the magazine's annual pst of best picks.《消费者报导》年度最佳选择名单中新添了六款车,其中包括福特的野马(Mustang)和起亚汽车(KiaMotorCo.)的索兰托(Sorento)。

6.Then the larger, somewhat better looking, five-passenger Sorento came along in 2003.那么大,有些更美观,五座索兰托是在2003年一起。